Author Topic: HDRComposition losing detail?  (Read 2454 times)

Offline MattJenko

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HDRComposition losing detail?
« on: 2015 January 26 14:52:58 »
Hi All,

I am newcomer to PixInsight, so I hope my question does not come across as a blatant case of user error!

I am using the HDRComposition tool to combine 2 stacked and calibrated tiff files of M42. The unsaturated image is a quick stack of 20 second subs and as such has very little detail outside the core. When I use the HDRComposition tool, I get a perfect looking mask, showing just the core area of M42 and some brighter stars from the 10 minute stacked, highly detailed image, but the resulting image seems to have a much reduced dynamic range. This might be me not understanding the visual representation, but when stretching, the image has very narrow histogram spikes and a lot of the detail seems to have gone and the range of values given at the bottom of the screen when the pointer is over various parts of the image is significantly less than the 10 min original. Could the tool be thinking that the almost total lack of detail outside the masked areas are such that it needs to scale the detailed image down, rather than only change the masked areas? I have tried tweaking the available options, as well as leaving everything as default, and it all gives me the same results.

Any suggestions welcome. I have had a lot of success with PixInsight so far and am a total paid up convert, but this has me stumped.


Offline pfile

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Re: HDRComposition losing detail?
« Reply #1 on: 2015 January 26 15:39:12 »
try turning on 24-bit STF on the output of HDRComposition and then turn on the STF. it could be just a display issue. of course after it's stretched, you should not need 24-bit STF (or any STF of course)


Offline MattJenko

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Re: HDRComposition losing detail?
« Reply #2 on: 2015 March 17 06:24:34 »
Apologies, not managed to retry this with other items happening (arrival of a mono CCD!). I will try out you suggestion this weekend and report back,