Matt & Jerry,
I am with Mike on this one. It really depends on the gradients. Since I shoot from areas that, while good, do have horizon light domes, that adds light gradients to my stacks that I try to hit twice, first individually and second after RGB combination. Note that one of my reasons for doing this, though, is that I only use synthetic luminance frames, built from RGB stacks (if you are interested in why I went that way after years of LRGB imaging, drop me a follow-up note and I will point you to some discussions here in the forum). Anyway, I like to clean up the individual stacks before building the synlum, then hit it again after, much like I do with the RGB stack.
One thing I have been playing with is the suggestions by the Pixinsight Resources group who in a recent video suggested peppering the entire image with samples for DBE. Very different from what I understood the model to be but interesting to test. Using some old data to see if it offers a real improvement.
And, for me at least, my processes are built on what I learn here in the forum, followed up with trial and error (lots and lots of error
). I'm a liberal arts guys so I look to others for the mathematics behind it all. As to whether you could just use PixelMath, my bet is absolutely . . . if you know how. Again, for me at least, that's the rub.