Author Topic: Generate drizzle data in ImageIntegration  (Read 2271 times)

Offline pja

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Generate drizzle data in ImageIntegration
« on: 2015 January 19 11:27:10 »
I just started using manual process to calibrate my RGB and Lum data.  Since my data is under sampled, I opted to use drizzle data in the StarAlignment.  The drizzle data (noted as DR_a) were generated fine and I can use them for ImageIntegration (II).  Under II process, there is another "Generate drizzle data" box, which I believed that is to update the drizzle files (noted as DR_b) for the DrizzleIntegration process.

But now DR_b data has overwritten the DR_a data, and I found that the drizzle file with the same .drz filename (but now has DR_b data) cannot be used in the II process if later I want to add more subframes for integration.

So I wonder if it is a good idea to generated another set of drizzle data with different file naming scheme, such as .drz2 (instead of overwriting the previous .drz) file, so that user can use II proc later without re-doing the StarAlianment.  Certainly one can always manually add a prefix to distinguish them.  But it may be confusing for new users like me.

I might totally miss the point, and in that case I will appreciate some clarification and help.  :D
Orion XT8 F6, 8" F3.9, SV80ST-25SV on Atlas + QSI683wsg,,

Offline pja

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Re: Generate drizzle data in ImageIntegration
« Reply #1 on: 2015 January 19 13:15:27 »
For RGB data, I usually don't need high resolution so I tried to turn off "Generate drizzle data" in the ImageIntegration process.  During the execution, pink warning message comes up about "No drizzle data will be generated".

While drizzle is nice but the resulting file is huge so I didn't use DrizzleIntegration on that.  Is there a catch for that?  (Warning message seems to suggestion it is recommended to use DrizzleIntegration all the time.)
Orion XT8 F6, 8" F3.9, SV80ST-25SV on Atlas + QSI683wsg,,