Author Topic: Sandqvist 111 & 112  (Read 2015 times)

Offline Herbert_W

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Sandqvist 111 & 112
« on: 2014 December 16 23:19:18 »

here my last image done with PixInsight.

Dark nebulae in the southern constellation Vela.
The image was captured from CEDIC Team - location: Chile - Hacienda Los Andes (Observatory Daniel Versatsche)

Image processing PixInsight 1.8
Any comments are welcome.

Best regards.
Herbert, Austria

Offline Zocky

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Re: Sandqvist 111 & 112
« Reply #1 on: 2014 December 17 14:44:19 »
Very nice image, I like it.
Although I have found one anomaly. Star in upper right corner have 3 spikes :)
Skywatcher ED 80/600 with FF/FR x0.85; HEQ5-pro mount
SBIG ST-8300M, FW5 with Baader LRGB Ha7nm filters

Offline Herbert_W

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Re: Sandqvist 111 & 112
« Reply #2 on: 2014 December 17 22:38:32 »

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, you are right. But I have no idea where the third spike is coming from.
Probably a reflection from ... ?

Best regards.