Author Topic: Question: Using CosemticCorresction Process Icon in Batch Preprocessing  (Read 3087 times)

Offline Thomas

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If I create a  CosemticCorresction Process Icon (for later use with Batch Preprocessing) and have there :

Use MasterDark enabled
Hot Pixel Treshold enabled
Cold Pixel Treshold enabled
Use Auto detect enabled

Should then in Batch Preprocessing also a Dark  be added or not ?


Offline sreilly

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If you choose the option to use master dark then you need to populate that with the master dark to use and the same goes with using "Use Defect List", you'll need to load the defect map that you need for those images.

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Offline Thomas

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Steve your answer is completely confusing me, as this has nothing to do with my question, maybe I have explained it not well, or you didn't understand what I mean .. sorry for that.

What I want to know is: If I have already enabled use MasterDark in the CosmeticCorrection (Process Icon) and use the  CosmeticCorrection (Process Icon) in BatchPreprocessing ,

AND I would also enable "Use Master Dark->Options" in BatchPreprocessing and adding the MasterDark in Darks (BatchPreprocessing) , I am unsure if the MasterDark would be processed twice as
it is now included in the CosmeticCorrection (ProcessIcon) AND extra enabled again in the "Use Master Dark" in the BatchPreprocessing->Options.


Offline sreilly

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You're right, I am confused as I don't use the Batch Preprocessing function. But if I remember this correctly you need to have CosmeticCorrection set up as if you would use this separately before you create the icon that BatchPreprocessing will use. If I understand the question correctly, CC needs to be setup to be used, create the icon, and then BP calls that process at the proper time and executes it. Your master dark in BP is only being used for calibration and has no reference to CC. Hope this makes sense. If you don't get any better reply, try a few images each way and see if you see the difference. It would only take a few minutes.

I do my processing step by step which takes a bit longer but is my preference. I calibrate, use CC, align, and then combine making my master frames.

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Offline Warhen

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Hi guys, Steve you are right, and Thomas- just to clarify, it's not the dark that gets processed/corrected, it's the lights. So, as Steve says, create the CC icon and be sure it's saved, then opened on the desktop before invoking the BPP script. CosmeticCorrection is also great for defining specific row/column defects in the lower section. Interesting too Thomas, you use it as I do, with both Auto Detect and Master Dark methods selected. I doubt it was designed to be used this way, but I get better hot pixel kills using both methods at once.

During calibration, the lights are dark subtracted as they should be, which takes care of removing the thermal frame and some of the more linear hot pixels. Problem then, is that many 'hotties' tend to be quite nonlinear, and that's when CC steps in. After calibration, (Debayering if applicable) and before alignment, BPP looks at the CC info, and fills in the hot pixels and defined defects with an average of surrounding pixels, thereby 'filling in' the defects. Here the dark is used for reference rather than actually being subtracted again.

Bottom line, you are doing it right!
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller

Offline sreilly

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While the CC process may not have intended to be used with a master dark and auto checked I do this all the time. It does a better rejection and gives a cleaner master light frame when combined. I just wish there was a Kernel filter tool like there is in MaxIm where you can remove hot/cold pixels with a selected %. I use 80/20 for hot/cold in MI and it does a great job. It took me a while to get use to creating the defect list in PI but it works well.
OGS 12.5" RC
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