As somebody who is just starting to get the hang of working with PixInsight on the most basic level, I have some questions that I can't really find the answers to:
1) How do I know what processes and scripts need to be used on linear, non-linear, or both types of files.
2) I have been looking for a way to save a functional workflow check list, where I can load the image, load the list and start clicking on the individual items and having the process or script load on the workspace, ready to be used on the loaded picture. A friend told me that he saw somebody had loaded the icons in order on the workspace and saved the workspace. Then loaded the workspace and loaded a picture and started running through the workflow without having to go looking for his favorite processes. I am not sure how to save a workspace and reload it later with all of the active processes ready to be used.
3)I have been using the Channel extraction/linear fit/channel combination tools where I am using the color with the highest mean value as the reference for linear fit tool on the other two colors before recombining with some nice results. I am interested to know what effect that has with ABE, Background Neutralization, and Color Calibration.
4) When do you need to link the the automatic stretch function as opposed to letting them stretch each channel? When do you not auto stretch the linear images?
I will stop at this point and follow up with other questions based on responses.