Author Topic: Yet another toolbar / settings issue.  (Read 3496 times)

Offline IanL

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Yet another toolbar / settings issue.
« on: 2014 November 13 03:36:29 »
Okay so I updated to the latest 1115 build straight after it came out - running on Windows 7 Home 64 bit.  All was well until this morning.  A number of issues:

1. On launching PI has reverted to its defaults (toolbars, menus, all settings basically).  It was fine yesterday and I haven't made any changes to the setup yesterday or this morning when I launched it.  Rather odd - this definitely isn't the 'second instance' problem - launching one instance using the main icon and a second with the 'new instance' icon I get default settings in both.  Not the end of the world but at a loss to understand what has happened.

2. On trying to re-create my setup I now can't create a second horizontal bar for the toolbars.  Used to be able to drag a toolbar off the first horizontal bar and hover it down below and a new bar would appear for it to be dropped in (the PI resources video shows the behaviour so I know I am not imagining it!)  Now no new bar appears when I try this. Also having trouble creating a bar anywhere else on the sides of the main window - I thought I should be able to do this by dragging and dropping.  I can create a vertical bar to the left of the explorer tabs by selecting "Show Control Bars" - the "View" toolbar appears on it, but I can't drag the "View" toolbar from the vertical bar to the horizontal one (used to be able to do that) and I can't drag any other toolbar to the vertical one either.

Any ideas?

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Yet another toolbar / settings issue.
« Reply #1 on: 2014 November 15 04:24:57 »
Hi IanL, it is just a matter of space. Tool bar location can easily be changed but with the original distribution of PixInsight explorers and your screen resolution there is not space.  Just close or relocate one of your explorers and you will be allow to generate a second line of tool bars.
I use Process Explorer, Process Console and File Explorer on the right as shown in this image.

Saludos, Alejandro

Offline IanL

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Re: Yet another toolbar / settings issue.
« Reply #2 on: 2014 November 15 06:40:14 »
Thanks Alejandro - the cause of the problem wasn't at all obvious to me!  Still unclear as to why all my settings were lost in the first place though, most odd.