Dear PixInsight Experts,
Every so often people like me (non engineer, non scientist, non math wizard) "lose the formula". In my case the problem is that "all of a sudden" I have lots of hot pixels after doing the image integration process.
I normally acquire images with Maxim (latest version) or SkyX with camera add-on. Usually this is 8 to 10 subs of 300 to 600 seconds each. This is done with a OSC SBIG ST-4000CXM camera.
My normal processing step is to import the "raw" images into Maxim and to calibrate, measure quality, and auto star match the images. If I tell Maxim to combine those images (sigma clip) the hot pixels disappear. (But most of the time the color saturation is not that great).
I used to take the calibrated and color-converted images and do an image integration process in PixInsight (and then do more processing). I used to get processed images that did not have a lot of hot pixels but now I do. Taking the calibrated and color-converted images through the PixInsight star alignment and then the integration process still gets me lots of hot pixels. I also tried cosmetic correction but did not get anything better.
Can someone provide me the "magic" combination of integration parameters that works best in eliminating hot pixels?
Ron K.