Hey folks,
I have raised this problem before but just experienced it again over the weekend using the updated MaximDL 6. I hope someone has an idea of how to fix it or at least can tell me what is going on. I like the ease of imaging with MaximDL with capture and autoguiding all in one package and when I shoot RGB there is no issue when I transport the images into PI for calibration, integration and processing. But with exactly the same settings in both MaximDL and PI, namely shoot and read as unsigned integer 16bit FITs files, things always go wonky with my narrowband images and come out all weird in PI and can't be worked on (image blown out, PI can't see any stars, etc, etc.). The issue seems to be that the Raw MaximDL image is being truncated somehow when it gets to PI but I don't know how or why. I have tried any number of fixes, including every possible setting tweak I can think of in MaximDL and PI, and have hit on one that actually works but just makes the mystery deeper. I can't even remember how I hit on this (obviously trial and error), but if I take the MaximDL image, then save it as a 32 bit floating point image in CCDStack 2.0, THEN take that into Nebulosity 3.0 and save that as a FITs file, it will now work in PI. Note, just taking the saved image from CCDStack to PI does not fix the problem, I need the Nebulosity step too.
The easy solution is to simply stop using MaximDL for capturing narrowband images and I do not have this problem when I use Sequence Generator Pro, for example, but why this issue keeps cropping up and the weird way I can fix it is simply driving me crazy. I have raised this with MaximDL, but without any response that helps. So I am turning to you good folks to see if any of you have any ideas.