Author Topic: Messier 4 - Globular Cluster  (Read 1747 times)

Offline Herbert_W

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    • Skypixels - Astrophotography by Herbert Walter
Messier 4 - Globular Cluster
« on: 2014 August 21 00:18:14 »

M4 is a large apparent size globular cluster right next to Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius.
The reason why M4 is bright and large is simply due to its distance.
At only 7,200 light years, it's one of the closest globular clusters to our Solar System.

The image was captured from CEDIC Team - location: Chile - Hacienda Los Andes - Observatory Daniel Versatsche

Image processing PixInsight 1.8
Any comments are welcome.

Best regards.
Herbert, Austria