I made three different stacks of IC1396 with a DSLR camera, and I want to make sure I'm working on the best stack. One of the stacks is a reregistered integration of the other two. I've been trying to figure out how to use PixInsight to determine SNR. One message from an apparent expert on the PI forum says use AvgDev for the signal and MRSNoise for the noise and then do the division.
I found AveDev in the Statistics readout. Notice there is not a whole lot of difference in the stacks. July 25 has the edge.
Table 1: AveDev from Statistics, 3 Stacks
Jul 25: 1.21e-03 8.79e-04 6.86e-04
Jul 27: 1.13e-03 8.05e-04 6.37e-04
combi: 1.20e-03 8.65e-04 6.61e-04
MRSNoise is supposed to be in NoiseEvaluation, a script that just runs immediately on an open image and displays its results on the console, but I don't find anything called MRSNoise in it. Here is a readout from the console for the combined stack.
Calculating noise standard deviation...
* Channel #0
?R = 9.237e-05, N = 186299 (1.23%), J = 4
* Channel #1
?G = 7.597e-05, N = 397750 (2.62%), J = 4
* Channel #2
?B = 8.241e-05, N = 884136 (5.83%), J = 4
So maybe MRSNoise refers to the sigma values above (?sigma = mean root square). What, exactly, does N refer to? Table 2 gives the sigma values.
Table 2. Sigma values from NoiseEvaluation, three stacks
Jul 25: 1.305e-04 1.079e-04 1.115e-04
Jul 27: 1.385e-04 1.137e-04 1.180e-04
combi: 9.237e-05 7.597e-05 8.241e-05
Notice the smaller noise values for the combination stack. Now we can do the arithmetic for SNR:
Table 3. Signal to noise ratios (AveDev/Sigma), three stacks
Jul 25: 9.27203, 8.14643, 6.15247
Jul 27: 8.15884, 7.08004, 5.39831
combi: 12.9912, 11.3861, 8.02087
In my very limited experience, those look like plausible SNR values. We see that Jul 25 beats Jul 27 in every channel in spite of better seeing on the 27th, but the combined stack of 69 subs beats them both by a substantial amount. This is due mainly to dividing similar signal values by lower noise values in the combined stack. It may be the case that some difference in calibration parameter settings had something to due with getting those noise values down, but my records are not good enough to say.
I know little about any of this. I would like to know if what I have presented makes any sense.