Author Topic: matching star or nebulosity intensity between RGB and NB filters  (Read 2637 times)

Offline troypiggo

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Say I have 2 images of the same nebula target, same gear, one taken with a broadband red filter, the other narrowband Ha.  The stars and continuum objects are brighter in the R filter, but the nebulosity S/N ratio of the Ha is better.

I'm trying to figure out how to:

- match the star brighness in each image, so the stars look the same but nebulosity is stronger in the Ha one
- match the nebulosity brightness in each, with the dimmer stars being in the Ha one

Any ideas?  Could just eye-ball it with histro-trans, but figure there's a more mathmatical/scientific way with PI as there usually is.

I'm getting back to working through and in there, the nebulosity is same brightness but Ha has weaker stars.

Offline xiaolingfeilu

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Hello there and could I know if you have found a way to do it? Could I have some help here. I have got two imagines here and I would to adjust them into the same intensity and do you have any deal to do so?

Thank you

Best Wishes

Offline lucchett

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Linear fit can help you achieving similar brightness: that can be useful in blending but ha-rgb is a big territory.
There are several threads that contains bits of information on the subject, a very good processing example by Vicent and a script distributed with PI.

I have found this recent thread very interesting:
