Bug confirmed. DrizzleIntegration does not apply correctly the image registration transformations when there are images rotated by 180 degrees in the original data set. I am working right now to fix this bug ASAP. Thank you for uploading your images.
While I fix this problem, the workaround is simply to rotate the necessary images by 180 degrees before StarAlignment. In this specific case:
- Open the ImageContainer tool.
- Select your images from M16-008H_c to M16-015H_c, both included
- In the output template, write: &filename;_r180&extension;
- Open the FastRotation tool, and make sure the rotate 180 degrees option is selected.
- Drag the ImageContainer blue triangle to FastRotation's control bar.
- Proceed to register, integrate and drizzle your files as usual, but use the _r180 images created above.
Sorry for the inconvenience. This bug will be fixed through an update as soon as I can.