Tired of waiting for documentation I attempted to write one for ImageCalibration. It is attached here in two formats: The original pidoc and the generated html. You can regenerate the documentation from the pidoc sources or simply unzip the html in the directory C:\Program Files\PixInsight\doc\tools or equivalent (this may require administrator privilege).
BEWARE: I copied and adapted some text from other documents and from the tooltips (the copyright is assigned to Pleiades Astrophoto, so I hope they do not mind). I also wrote some parts myself and inserted information I found in the source file. I hope that it is correct, but it may contains errors. Also I am at an astronomical distance of having the talent of Juan for documentation, however I hope that it is better than nothing.
You can post suggestions or corrections in this thread, I will update the attached files as time permits. Is somebody is willing to correct the English in the pidoc source, I would be very grateful.
-- bitli