I've recently bought a set of narrow band filters and I'm trying to learn how to deal with this data.
I've found the Steve Cannistra method of composing Ha and OIII images and I've translated the full workflow in PI.
So I've written a simple tutorial on that.
Here a short abstract of the tutorial
Steve Cannistra technique takes advantage of some specific characteristics of Photoshop such as the use of layers, clipping masks, and blend modes that are not directly available in PixInsight but that can be reproduced fairly easily with PixelMath.
In the first part of this tutorial I will try to strictly reproduce the Steve Cannistra procedure in PixInsight, in the second part I will optimize it in order to better use the strengths of PixInsigth getting a considerably more efficient procedure.
If you are interested you can find it on my website with the full set of process icons downloadable
http://www.radice.biz/articoli/translations/70-sc-bicolor-enPer i miei connazionali รจ presente anche una versione in italiano
http://www.radice.biz/articoli/69-sc-bicolor-itaThe tutorial is for beginners, but any advice for making it better from skilled people would be muck appreciate.
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