Author Topic: Multiscale Image Integration  (Read 2564 times)

Offline cs_pixinsight

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Multiscale Image Integration
« on: 2014 June 08 21:03:11 »
Tonight I was searching for ways to remove dust donuts from light images when the dust moves between individual light frames and/or before/after flat frames are gathered.  I came across this Pixinsight article describing a way to do it with multiscale integration

Since the article is not dated, I have no idea if this is new or not.  So inquiring minds want to know, is this something that is going to be released soon?  If not, would it be possible to do this manually and if so what are all the steps involved?

Thanks, Craig

Offline naavis

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Re: Multiscale Image Integration
« Reply #1 on: 2014 June 10 01:32:11 »
I think I've seen this article several years ago, so it's not exactly new. I haven't seen this feature in PixInsight yet, but I think you could indeed do it manually. Maybe just separate aligned frames into the appropriate wavelet layers, and integrate them with different rejection settings.
Samuli Vuorinen