the idea is that if you have undersampled your target, and you have dithered, then you can recover lost spatial information using drizzle.
if you are using a long FL instrument under mediocre skies, then drizzle is probably not useful. however if you happen to be using a camera with large pixels, then it may be useful. it's all about the seeing and the resolution of your system in arc seconds per pixel.
as you might imagine then as the focal length gets shorter it becomes harder and harder to oversample any sky with any camera, and so drizzle starts to become useful.
as for what constitutes under sampling, i think i have only ever seen this mentioned once… in stan moore's writings: since photography is a 2D endeavor, the 1D nyquist limit that people often quote for audio is not quite correct for photography. instead of 2x sampling it's more like sqrt(2)*2x to critically sample an image. i am not sure of this figure; juan would know the answer to this i'm sure.