First post - So please let me know if I commit a faux pas here.
I have an issue with calibration. I seem to have banding in my images - I suspect that they are readout artifacts or else column defects that aren't being cleaned up in calibration. Or something else.
I've attached a screenshot of part of an image. This is 60 x 5 minute subs through a G filter. Taken with an STX16803. I have used the Batch Preprocessing script. I applied a master dark, master bias and master flat file. Optimise Dark Frame was checked. I didn't use the overscan option. The calibration frames were compiled using the process detailed here: the horizontal bands.
What else can I report? Images were taken at -25C. I think I had about 40 subs for the master bias and 10 for the master dark. I can post those if that would help troubleshoot.
I tried to calibrate without bias - a pointless exercise as you'd expect as the flat wasn't properly applied.
Thinking the issue was with the master bias, I used the Superbias module to produce a Superbias frame. No joy there.
I'd appreciate any suggestions - I have some great data to play with but I fear my processing skills are letting me down.