Author Topic: PixInsight Intensive Workshop by Vicent Peris in Katonah, New York, USA.  (Read 7921 times)

Offline vicent_peris

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I'm glad to announce a PixInsight workshop that will take place in Katonah, NY (USA), on September 7th to 13th. The workshop will be given by Vicent Peris, astrophotographer of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia (OAUV), Spain, and a principal member of the PixInsight Development Team.

This workshop aims at giving a comprehensive operational/technical understanding of Pixinsight to a small group of participants (m) over the course of 7 concentrated working days. The workshop will take place in a mid-century modern, private home, where we will all sit around a dining table and immerse ourselves in processing data.

Participants will bring all their own unprocessed data sets which the class will share as examples to work on. The images will be worked from start to finish; therefore, the seminar will allow participants a never-before-offered view of Pixinsight, from a beginners level to an expert level, with the goal of having a total immersion in the process of the image creation.

For more information about the workshop please visit the dedicated webpage at

Due to its singular characteristics we are limiting this workshop to 10 seats.

This workshop is being sponsores by Pleiades Astrophoto and the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia.

See you in Katonah!

Offline alvinjamur

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We now have a special hotel pricing for the seminar. The pricing will be effective for rooms
booked before Aug 15th.

The rate is $139/per night. You have to mention the code : "Pixinsight" when you make your

Holiday Inn - Mt. Kisco
1 Holiday Inn Drive
Mount Kisco, NY 10549

Ph : 914-241-2600

For those of you coming with families etc., : New York City's Grand Central
Station is just 50 minutes by commuter train, and is the most efficient way
to get into/out of NYC. Trains run throughout the day from several train
stations in the area, including Mt. Kisco. The train station is just 5 minutes
away from the Holiday Inn.

I look fwd to hosting you, fellow chasers of clear skies and Pixinsighters.

 - aLV
« Last Edit: 2014 July 11 07:24:44 by alvinjamur »

(2c) || (!(2c)) = !?

Offline vicent_peris

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Hi all,

There are only 2 seats left in this workshop. So hurry up to register in case you're interested!

Best regards,

Offline vicent_peris

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Hello everybody,

This workshop is SOLD OUT.

Thank you very much, looking forward to meet you!

Offline jabberwock48

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For those attending and who have not yet booked rooms at the Holiday Inn. The hotel will say they are out of rooms for some nights until you get them to find the rooms blocked off for us. The first time I tried the clerk failed to do this despite prompting and I ended up thinking I would need to find a room elsewhere for part of the time. More luck the second time fortunately with another person at the desk.

Offline colincooper

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hi John,
I had the same problem and ended up booking a room in Danbury... still it looks like its only 5 mins away :)

Offline alvinjamur

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    • Al Vinjamur Photography

I'd recommedn highly u stay in Mt. Kisco.
Danbury is abut 20mins away.

- aLV

(2c) || (!(2c)) = !?

Offline jabberwock48

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Attending and coming from UK to JFK. Undecided as to whether to get to Mount Kisco via train which seems easy or hire a car. Clearly need a car for daily trip to Katonah though. Any participants coming by road who would not mind giving me a lift daily.