I'm a beginner with less than 10 images to my portfolio. When I got started with CCD astronomy, I understood the learning curve would be steep. The truth is, I like a steep learning curve. Image acquisition is OK (I don't mind sitting out under the stars), but what I really look forward to is processing what I got with PixInsight. This is because the results astound me, there seems to be a solution to every problem, and because I keep getting better and better.
My most recent image was of the M81/M82 pair. For the first time, I imaged with a significant moon, I allowed my mount to do a meridian flip, I added Ha to LRGB, and I tried binning the color 2x2. This made for a lot of tedious preparation: flipping, cropping, bad background gradient, etc. But it went well. Process Containers! Yes! Saved Processes! Yes! Fantastic support discussions on the Forum! Yes!
So I just wanted to say thank you to the team. I'm sure the time is coming when every astrophotographer will use PixInsight.