Thank you Jim,
I saw a message from you about this crib sheet but was unable to access it since I think at the time I was not yet signed up onthe Forum. I will devour it! I have been to Harry's site several times and reviewed and reviewed the PI video tutorials, BUT, while appreciative of his efforts and trying to be ever-so-humble, I have found myself asking many questions during and after viewing them. For instance, where does he specifically mention one of the first, critical phases of post-processing; using the Batch Processing steps (Dark, Flat & Bias frame subtraction) we generally need to do ( I think) in order to produce images that CAN be worked on further? It's nice to see how to go about the other things that we might need later (STF, DBE, HT etc.), after we learn the basics. Not just how to close a window or clone an image or perform a Global Apply. That's why the reference to "PixInsight for Dummies". That series of books is always a good place to start to learn & practice the fundamentals of a subject and they are thorough, well-thought-out, complete and systematically organized for a "Dummie" like me. It's not a literal term of course! Perhaps your "Crib sheet" Jim, could be the nexus for the book! I'll check it out & tell you now, that I appreciate the work you did on it and thank you for sharing it with me.