Attached is an annotated version of the uncalibrated blue channel (~9x600, 850mm, f/8) ("Blue Spots"). This is a crop of the stack of uncalibrated images. Many of the defects are marked. I'd like to understand first if this is somehow mechanical or really a vestige of processing (using ImageIntegration, WSC). If the latter what are the likely causes? I did a number of tests to zero in on the latter hypothesis regarding processing problems. Images will be in subsequent posts.
1) I suspected defective darks frames and so used various dark frames at the same temperature (-25C) and duration (600 seconds). I've tried with few (4-5) and many (18-20). I performed the calibration with the script, and "by hand". These defects appear in all cases. The flats appear normal.
2) In another test I aligned and stacked the uncalibrated frames which also exhibit the same defects in the blue channel (see "uncal" in "Tests", lower right image). I've had some success at minimizing the spots in the uncalibrated by changing the settings in Imageintegration (see "integration18" in "Tests").
3) With new knowledge gained in test #2, I redid Imageintegration on the calibrated frames and minimized the spots further (see "calibrated...STF", the upper right image in "Tests". The upper left image is the same with AutoSTF)
So, after I put it all back together it seems that the issue is controllable via sigma hi and lo settings. A preliminary LRGB is attached as well demonstrating the lack of the blue speck problem (as well as demonstrating the need to develop processing skills further).
Any further guidance would be appreciated.