The purpose with this image was to verify if i managed to add objects take with a Boren-Simon 8" telescope equipped with a mono Starlight Xpress H9 camera into a "more" wide filed image captured with a Skywatcher Esprit 80mm a SBIG 8300c camera. The total image is a "merge" done by use of the GradientMergeMosaic process with none linear images. I hoped in addition to verify that the color from the SBIG camera could give good enough quality to colorize luminance data captured with the BS and H9 camera. The image of M82 captured with BS and H9 is therefor only luminance. The merge should probably have been done with linear images. A fun test that i think shows some of Pixinsight great features.
Total exposure is :
Boren Simon and H9 of M81 : L:20x600, R:12x300s, B:12x300s, G:7x300s
Boren Simon and H9 of M82 : 10x600
Skywatcher Esprit and SBIG 8300c wiedfield : 25x600
Link to Wide : to a crop of the galaxies : image :
Erik G