I'm not sure if this is a bug, or I'm just not understanding some aspect of the Pixinsight workflow when dealing with DSLR raw images.
It seems to me that a 14bit DSLR image that is opened in RAW mode is incorrectly treated as if it is a 16bit image. (ie, as if the camera had recorded pixels in the range of 0,65535 rather than a range of 0,16383).
I have a .NEF image taken during the eclipse with a Nikon D810, thus a 14bit image. The particular image has intentionally saturated pixels (ie, overexposed near sun to get outer corona). As such, the saturated pixel value should be 16383.
If I open the file as Pure Raw ( Create raw Bayer CFA, No White Balance)
Set statistics process to report as 14-bit [0,16363]:
- minimum pixel value is 160
- maximum pixel value is 4095.6 (ie, one-quarter of what it should be).
Set statistics process to report as 16-bit [0,65353]
- minimum pixel value is 640
- maximum pixel value is 16363 (saturated pixel for a 14bit image).
Set statistis process to report as Normalized Real [0,1]
- minimum pixel value is .0097658
- maximum is .25 (actually, it reports as .249999)
If I open HistogramTransformation, the saturated pixels show a definite peak at .25
In short, it is treating the 14bit image AS IF it was a 16bit image with all pixel values in the range 0,16383. Regardless of the reporting range, the saturated pixels are reported with a value that is 1/4 (.25) of the maximum of that range.
(The same occurs if I open as RAW Bayer RGB, except the Minimum value for each channel reports as zero.)
To actually pre-process these files and have the Saturated Pixels treated as Saturated, I have to apply the HT process, bringing white point down to .25 (And otherwise leaving the image linear, ie, no adjustment to Shadows or Midtones).
Conversely, IF I open the same file as a deBayered RGB (VNG, but NO White Balance), the image is rescaled in the process so that, regardless of the pixel range, the saturated pixels always report as the maximum value for the reporting range.
To my mind, if the recording range is 14bit, then it should be opened as a 14bit image, rather than a 16bit image.