I use ACP/MaxIm for image acquisition and process almost solely in PI. My setup includes use of a Pyxis 3" rotator and dual chip SBIG camera. When imaging my setup takes an image, plate solves, and then corrects for any problem in image rotation and position. So in the course of the night I have images taken on the East side of the Meridian and then after the Meridian flip, on the West side. So because of this I need to take flats for each side of pier and create my masters. Is there a way for the BBP script to read side of pier and apply the master flat frames accordingly? Otherwise it seems to me I can still use the BPP but only for the two groups of images separately and then only by using as calibrate only. The resulting images I can then save and use the Image Integration Tool and combine them.
Is there another way using the BPP script that I'm missing? So far I don't think any processing software has the feature to read side of pier and apply the proper flats. This would certainly eliminate the need to research each night the time the mount does the Meridian flip and process accordingly.