Por fin funciona el script para la adición de texto.
En la primera modificación, realicé la posibilidad de colocarlo en cualquier esquina y centro de la imagen.
En esta segunda modificación, he quitado los textos de definición de color y fondo, y los he sustituido por entradas de % para cada canal, creo que así es más comprensible que tener que conocer de forma hexadecimal el valor de cada color.
Las pruebas que he realizado en mi PC funciona.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PixInsight JavaScript Runtime API - PJSR Version 1.0
// Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Pleiades Astrophoto. All Rights Reserved.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Modified for position of text and color by: José Ferrer
// pjsr/TextoPersonalizado-V2.js - Released 2008/01/06 10:16:05 UTC
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of the PJSR. The PJSR is a JavaScript API for development
// of scripts on the PixInsight platform (ECMAScript 262-3 compliant).
// The PJSR is provided in the hope that it will be useful, but it is
// distributed "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the warranties of
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#feature-id Sample Scripts > DrawSignaturePosition
#feature-info A sample script that draws an arbitrary text on a select position of the \
selected image. This script provides a graphical user interface \
where the user can select the text, font, size and colors of the \
text to be drawn, among other parameters.
#feature-icon DrawSignature.xpm
#include <pjsr/Sizer.jsh>
#include <pjsr/FrameStyle.jsh>
#include <pjsr/TextAlign.jsh>
#include <pjsr/StdButton.jsh>
#include <pjsr/StdIcon.jsh>
* A routine to draw an arbitrary text at the lower-left corner of an image.
* Rutina modificada para dibujar un texto arbitrario en cualquier esquina seleccionada.
* The data argument provides operating parameters:
* data.targetView Image to draw the text over.
* data.text The text to draw.
* data.fontFace The font to draw with.
* data.pointSize The font size in points.
* data.bold Whether the text will be drawn with a bold font.
* data.italic Whether the text will be drawn with an italic font.
* data.stretch The font stretch factor. A stretch factor of 100 draws
* characters with their normal widths. stretch > 100 draws
* wider (extended) characters, and stretch < 100 draws
* compressed characters.
* data.textColor The text color. Encoded as a 32-bit integer: AARRGGBB,
* where AA is the 8-bit alpha (transparency) value, and RR,
* GG, BB are the red, green and blue 8-bit values,
* respectively.
* data.bgColor The background color, encoded as explained above.
* data.margin The outer margin in pixels.
* data.softEdges If true, the text will be drawn with extra soft edges;
* normal edges otherwise.
function DrawSignature( data )
// To execute with diagnostics messages, #define the __DEBUG__ macro; e.g.:
// run -d=__DEBUG__ signature.js
#ifdef __DEBUG__
console.writeln( "text : ", data.text );
console.writeln( "font : ", data.fontFace );
console.writeln( "posicion : ", data.localPosi ); //variable de definición de posisción
console.writeln( "fontSize : ", data.fontSize );
console.writeln( "stretch : ", data.stretch );
console.writeln( "bold : ", data.bold );
console.writeln( "italic : ", data.italic );
console.writeln( "txtR : ", data.txtR ) ); //Text chanel Red
console.writeln( "txtG : ", data.txtG ) ); //Text chanel Gren
console.writeln( "txtB : ", data.txtB ) ); //Text chanel Blue
console.writeln( "txtTP : ", data.txtTP ) ); //Text chanel Transparency
console.writeln( "bkgR : ", data.bkgR ) ); //Backgound chanel Red
console.writeln( "bkgG : ", data.bkgG ) ); //Backgound chanel Gren
console.writeln( "bkgB : ", data.bkgB ) ); //Backgound chanel Blue
console.writeln( "bkgTP : ", data.bkgTP ) ); //Backgound chanel Transparency
console.writeln( format( "textColor : %X", data.textColor ) );
console.writeln( format( "bgColor : %X", data.bkgColor ) );
console.writeln( "margin : ", data.margin );
console.writeln( "soft : ", data.softEdges );
var image = data.targetView.image;
// We generate the text on an enlarged working bitmap and draw it
// scaled down on the target image. This ensures a precise rendition with
// smooth and well antialiased font strokes.
const antialiasingScaleFactor = 2.5;
const valbaseColor = 255;
var pointSize = data.pointSize * antialiasingScaleFactor;
// Create the font
var font = new Font( data.fontFace );
/*var alinea = data.textAlign*/
font.pixelSize = data.fontSize;
if ( data.bold )
font.bold = true;
if ( data.italic )
font.italic = true;
font.stretchFactor = data.stretch;
// Calculations of the colors.
// Color for the Tetx
var txtcalcR = Math.floor( data.txtR * valbaseColor / 100 );
var txtcalcG = Math.floor( data.txtG * valbaseColor / 100 );
var txtcalcB = Math.floor( data.txtB * valbaseColor / 100 );
var txtcalcTP = Math.floor( data.txtTP * valbaseColor / 100 );
// call to the conversion function
txtcalcRhex = convierteHexadecimal(txtcalcR);
txtcalcGhex = convierteHexadecimal(txtcalcG);
txtcalcBhex = convierteHexadecimal(txtcalcB);
txtcalcTPhex = convierteHexadecimal(txtcalcTP);
data.textColor = parseInt(txtcalcTPhex + txtcalcRhex + txtcalcGhex + txtcalcBhex, 16);
// Color for the background
var bkgcalcR = Math.floor( data.bkgR * valbaseColor / 100 );
var bkgcalcG = Math.floor( data.bkgG * valbaseColor / 100 );
var bkgcalcB = Math.floor( data.bkgB * valbaseColor / 100 );
var bkgcalcTP = Math.floor( data.bkgTP * valbaseColor / 100 );
// call to the conversion function
bkgcalcRhex = convierteHexadecimal(bkgcalcR);
bkgcalcGhex = convierteHexadecimal(bkgcalcG);
bkgcalcBhex = convierteHexadecimal(bkgcalcB);
bkgcalcTPhex = convierteHexadecimal(bkgcalcTP);
data.bkgColor = parseInt(bkgcalcTPhex + bkgcalcRhex + bkgcalcGhex + bkgcalcBhex, 16);
#ifdef __DEBUG__
console.writeln( "Exact font match : ", font.isExactMatch );
console.writeln( "Font point size : ", font.pointSize );
// Calculate a reasonable inner margin in pixels
var innerMargin = Math.round( font.pixelSize/6 );
// Calculate the sizes of our drawing box
var width = font.width( data.text ) + 2*innerMargin;
var height = font.ascent + font.descent + 2*innerMargin;
#ifdef __DEBUG__
console.writeln( "Drawing box sizes : w=", width, ", h=", height );
// Create a bitmap where we'll perform all of our drawing work
var bmp = new Bitmap( width, height );
// Fill the bitmap with the background color
bmp.fill( data.bkgColor );
// Create a graphics context for the working bitmap
var G = new Graphics( bmp );
// Select the required drawing tools: font and pen.
G.font = font;
G.pen = new Pen( data.textColor );
G.transparentBackground = true; // draw text with transparent bkg
G.textAntialiasing = true;
// Now draw the signature
G.drawText( innerMargin, height - font.descent - innerMargin, data.text );
// Finished drawing
// If soft text has been requested, we apply a convolution with a mild
// low-pass filter to soften text edges.
if ( data.softEdges )
// Create a RGB image with an alpha channel. The alpha channel is
// necessary to preserve bitmap transparency.
var simg = new Image( width, height, 4, 1 );
// Select all channels, including alpha.
simg.firstSelectedChannel = 0;
simg.lastSelectedChannel = 3;
// Fill the whole image with transparent black
simg.fill( 0 );
// Blend the bitmap
simg.blend( bmp );
// Apply the low-pass filter (feel free to try out other kernel values)
simg.convolve( [0.05, 0.15, 0.05,
0.15, 1.00, 0.15,
0.05, 0.15, 0.05] );
// Render the resulting image back to our working bitmap
bmp.assign( simg.render() );
// To generate position variables using switch connected to data.localPosi of the ComboBox
switch (data.localPosi) {
case "TOP_LEFT":
var position_x = data.margin;
var position_y = data.margin;
case "TOP_RIGHT":
var position_x = image.width - data.margin - width/antialiasingScaleFactor;
var position_y = data.margin;
case "TOP_MID":
var position_x = ( image.width / 2 ) - ( (width/antialiasingScaleFactor) / 2 );
var position_y = data.margin;
var position_x = data.margin;
var position_y = image.height - data.margin - height/antialiasingScaleFactor;
var position_x = image.width - data.margin - width/antialiasingScaleFactor;
var position_y = image.height - data.margin - height/antialiasingScaleFactor;
case "BOTTOM_MID":
var position_x= ( image.width / 2 ) - ( (width/antialiasingScaleFactor) / 2 );
var position_y = image.height - data.margin - height/antialiasingScaleFactor;
// Blend our bitmap at the lower left corner of the image
image.selectedPoint = new Point( position_x, position_y ); //mi posicionamiento
/*image.selectedPoint = new Point( data.margin,
image.height - data.margin - height/antialiasingScaleFactor );*/
image.blend( bmp.scaled( 1.0/antialiasingScaleFactor ) );
// Conversion decimal to hexadecimal.
hexadecimal = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F");
function convierteHexadecimal(num)
var hexaDec = Math.floor(num/16);
var hexaUni = num - (hexaDec * 16);
return hexadecimal[hexaDec] + hexadecimal[hexaUni];
* The DrawSignatureData object defines functional parameters for the
* DrawSignature routine.
function DrawSignatureData()
// Get access to the active image window
var window = ImageWindow.activeWindow;
if ( !window.isNull )
this.targetView = window.currentView;
this.text = "©José Ferrer";
this.localPosi = "BOTTOM_LEFT";
this.fontFace = "Calibri";
this.fontSize = 175; // px
this.bold = true;
this.italic = false;
this.stretch = 150;
this.txtR = 100;
this.txtG = 100;
this.txtB = 100;
this.txtTP = 100;
this.bkgR = 50;
this.bkgG = 50;
this.bkgB = 50;
this.bkgTP = 35;
this.textColor = 0xffffffff;
this.bkgColor = 0x597f7f7f;
this.margin = 8;
this.softEdges = false;
// Global DrawSignature parameters.
var data = new DrawSignatureData;
* DrawSignatureDialog is a graphical user interface to define
* DrawSignature parameters.
function DrawSignatureDialog()
this.__base__ = Dialog;
var emWidth = this.font.width( 'M' );
var labelWidth1 = this.font.width( "Target image:" );
this.helpLabel = new Label( this );
this.helpLabel.frameStyle = FrameStyle_Box;
this.helpLabel.margin = 4;
this.helpLabel.wordWrapping = true;
this.helpLabel.useRichText = true;
this.helpLabel.text = "<b>DrawSignature</b> - This script draws an arbitrary text " +
"at the select position of an image. You can enter the text to draw " +
"and select the font, along with a number of operating parameters below.<br>" +
"To apply the script, click the OK button. To close this dialog without " +
"making any changes, click the Cancel button.";
this.targetImage_Label = new Label( this );
this.targetImage_Label.text = "Target image:";
this.targetImage_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.targetImage_Label.minWidth = labelWidth1;
this.targetImage_ViewList = new ViewList( this );
this.targetImage_ViewList.currentView = data.targetView;
this.targetImage_ViewList.toolTip = "Select the image to draw the text over";
this.targetImage_ViewList.onViewSelected = function( view )
data.targetView = view;
this.targetImage_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.targetImage_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.targetImage_Sizer.add( this.targetImage_Label );
this.targetImage_Sizer.add( this.targetImage_ViewList, 100 );
this.text_Label = new Label( this );
this.text_Label.text = "Text:";
this.text_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.text_Label.minWidth = labelWidth1;
this.text_Edit = new Edit( this );
this.text_Edit.text = data.text;
this.text_Edit.minWidth = 42*emWidth;
this.text_Edit.toolTip = "Enter the text to draw";
this.text_Edit.onEditCompleted = function()
data.text = this.text;
this.text_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.text_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.text_Sizer.add( this.text_Label );
this.text_Sizer.add( this.text_Edit );
this.fontFace_Label = new Label( this );
this.fontFace_Label.text = "Face:";
this.fontFace_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.fontFace_Label.minWidth = labelWidth1 - 4-1;
this.fontFace_ComboBox = new ComboBox( this );
this.fontFace_ComboBox.addItem( "Calibri" );
this.fontFace_ComboBox.addItem( "Helvetica" );
this.fontFace_ComboBox.addItem( "Times" );
this.fontFace_ComboBox.addItem( "Courier" );
this.fontFace_ComboBox.addItem( "SansSerif" );
this.fontFace_ComboBox.addItem( "Serif" );
this.fontFace_ComboBox.addItem( "Monospace" );
this.fontFace_ComboBox.editEnabled = true;
this.fontFace_ComboBox.editText = data.fontFace;
this.fontFace_ComboBox.toolTip = "Type a font face to draw with, or select a standard font family.";
this.fontFace_ComboBox.onEditTextUpdated = function()
data.fontFace = this.editText;
this.fontFace_ComboBox.onItemSelected = function( index )
data.fontFace = this.itemText( index );
// Mi parte de programa
this.localPosi_Label = new Label( this );
this.localPosi_Label.text = "Posición:";
this.localPosi_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.localPosi_Label.minWidth = labelWidth1 - 4-1;
this.localPosi_ComboBox = new ComboBox( this );
this.localPosi_ComboBox.addItem ( "BOTTOM_LEFT" );
this.localPosi_ComboBox.addItem ( "BOTTOM_RIGHT" );
this.localPosi_ComboBox.addItem ( "BOTTOM_MID" );
this.localPosi_ComboBox.addItem ( "TOP_LEFT" );
this.localPosi_ComboBox.addItem ( "TOP_RIGHT" );
this.localPosi_ComboBox.addItem ( "TOP_MID" );
this.localPosi_ComboBox.editEnabled = true;
this.localPosi_ComboBox.toolTip = "Indica la posición del texto en la Imagen.";
this.localPosi_ComboBox.onEditTextUpdated = function()
data.localPosi = this.editText;
this.localPosi_ComboBox.onItemSelected = function( index )
data.localPosi = this.itemText( index );
this.fontFace_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.fontFace_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.fontFace_Sizer.add( this.fontFace_Label );
this.fontFace_Sizer.add( this.fontFace_ComboBox, 100 );
this.fontFace_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.fontFace_Sizer.add( this.localPosi_Label );
this.fontFace_Sizer.add( this.localPosi_ComboBox, 100 );
this.fontSize_Label = new Label( this );
this.fontSize_Label.text = "Size (px):";
this.fontSize_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.fontSize_Label.minWidth = labelWidth1 - 4-1;
this.fontSize_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.fontSize_SpinBox.minValue = 8;
this.fontSize_SpinBox.maxValue = 4000;
this.fontSize_SpinBox.value = data.fontSize;
this.fontSize_SpinBox.toolTip = "Font size in pixels.";
this.fontSize_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.fontSize = value;
this.bold_CheckBox = new CheckBox( this );
this.bold_CheckBox.text = "Bold";
this.bold_CheckBox.checked = data.bold;
this.bold_CheckBox.toolTip = "Check to draw with a bold typeface.";
this.bold_CheckBox.onCheck = function( checked )
data.bold = checked;
this.italic_CheckBox = new CheckBox( this );
this.italic_CheckBox.text = "Italic";
this.italic_CheckBox.checked = data.italic;
this.italic_CheckBox.toolTip = "Check to draw with an italics typeface.";
this.italic_CheckBox.onCheck = function( checked )
data.italic = checked;
this.stretch_Label = new Label( this );
this.stretch_Label.text = "Stretch:";
this.stretch_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.stretch_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.stretch_SpinBox.minValue = 50;
this.stretch_SpinBox.maxValue = 200;
this.stretch_SpinBox.value = data.stretch;
this.stretch_SpinBox.toolTip = "Font stretch factor:\n" +
"stretch = 100 draws characters with their normal widths.\n" +
"stretch > 100 draws wider (extended) characters.\n" +
"stretch < 100 draws compressed characters.";
this.stretch_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.stretch = value;
this.fontStyle_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.fontStyle_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.fontStyle_Sizer.add( this.fontSize_Label );
this.fontStyle_Sizer.add( this.fontSize_SpinBox );
this.fontStyle_Sizer.addSpacing( 12 );
this.fontStyle_Sizer.add( this.bold_CheckBox );
this.fontStyle_Sizer.add( this.italic_CheckBox );
this.fontStyle_Sizer.addSpacing( 12 );
this.fontStyle_Sizer.add( this.stretch_Label );
this.fontStyle_Sizer.add( this.stretch_SpinBox );
// Selection of the color for text
this.textColor_Label = new Label( this );
this.textColor_Label.text = "Text Color:";
this.textColor_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Left|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.textColor_Label.minWidth = labelWidth1 - 4-1;
//Etiquetas %
this.txtRch_Label = new Label( this );
this.txtRch_Label.text = "Red %:";
this.txtRch_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Left|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.txtGch_Label = new Label( this );
this.txtGch_Label.text = "Green %:";
this.txtGch_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Left|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.txtBch_Label = new Label( this );
this.txtBch_Label.text = "Blue %:";
this.txtBch_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Left|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.txtTPch_Label = new Label( this );
this.txtTPch_Label.text = "Transparency %:";
this.txtTPch_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Left|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.txtRch_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.txtRch_SpinBox.minValue = 0;
this.txtRch_SpinBox.maxValue = 100;
this.txtRch_SpinBox.toolTip = "Range 0% to 100%";
this.txtRch_SpinBox.value = data.txtR;
this.txtRch_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.txtR = value;
this.txtGch_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.txtGch_SpinBox.minValue = 0;
this.txtGch_SpinBox.maxValue = 100;
this.txtGch_SpinBox.toolTip = "Range 0% to 100%";
this.txtGch_SpinBox.value = data.txtG;
this.txtGch_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.txtG = value;
this.txtBch_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.txtBch_SpinBox.minValue = 0;
this.txtBch_SpinBox.maxValue = 100;
this.txtBch_SpinBox.toolTip = "Range 0% to 100%";
this.txtBch_SpinBox.value = data.txtB;
this.txtBch_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.txtB = value;
this.txtTPch_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.txtTPch_SpinBox.minValue = 0;
this.txtTPch_SpinBox.maxValue = 100;
this.txtTPch_SpinBox.toolTip = "Range 0% to 100%";
this.txtTPch_SpinBox.value = data.txtTP;
this.txtTPch_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.txtR = value;
// Selection of the color for Background
this.bkgColor_Label = new Label( this );
this.bkgColor_Label.text = "Background:";
this.bkgColor_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
// Labels %
this.bkgRch_Label = new Label( this );
this.bkgRch_Label.text = "Red %:";
this.bkgRch_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Left|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.bkgGch_Label = new Label( this );
this.bkgGch_Label.text = "Green %:";
this.bkgGch_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Left|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.bkgBch_Label = new Label( this );
this.bkgBch_Label.text = "Blue %:";
this.bkgBch_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Left|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.bkgTPch_Label = new Label( this );
this.bkgTPch_Label.text = "Transparency %:";
this.bkgTPch_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Left|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.bkgRch_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.bkgRch_SpinBox.minValue = 0;
this.bkgRch_SpinBox.maxValue = 100;
this.bkgRch_SpinBox.toolTip = "Range 0% to 100%";
this.bkgRch_SpinBox.value = data.bkgR;
this.bkgRch_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.bkgR = value;
this.bkgGch_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.bkgGch_SpinBox.minValue = 0;
this.bkgGch_SpinBox.maxValue = 100;
this.bkgGch_SpinBox.toolTip = "Range 0% to 100%";
this.bkgGch_SpinBox.value = data.bkgG;
this.bkgGch_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.bkgG = value;
this.bkgBch_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.bkgBch_SpinBox.minValue = 0;
this.bkgBch_SpinBox.maxValue = 100;
this.bkgBch_SpinBox.toolTip = "Range 0% to 100%";
this.bkgBch_SpinBox.value = data.bkgB;
this.bkgBch_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.bkgB = value;
this.bkgTPch_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.bkgTPch_SpinBox.minValue = 0;
this.bkgTPch_SpinBox.maxValue = 100;
this.bkgTPch_SpinBox.toolTip = "Range 0% to 100%";
this.bkgTPch_SpinBox.value = data.bkgTP;
this.bkgTPch_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.bkgTP = value;
// Old part of the program
this.textColor_Edit = new Edit( this );
this.textColor_Edit.text = format( "%X", data.textColor );
this.textColor_Edit.minWidth = 14*emWidth;
this.textColor_Edit.toolTip = "The text color encoded as a 32-bit hexadecimal integer.\n" +
"(AARRGGBB format: AA=alpha (transparency), RR=red, GG=green, BB=blue)";
this.textColor_Edit.onEditCompleted = function()
data.textColor = parseInt( this.text, 16 );
this.text = format( '%X', data.textColor );
this.bkgColor_Label = new Label( this );
this.bkgColor_Label.text = "Background:";
this.bkgColor_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.bkgColor_Edit = new Edit( this );
this.bkgColor_Edit.text = format( "%X", data.bkgColor );
this.bkgColor_Edit.minWidth = 14*emWidth;
this.bkgColor_Edit.toolTip = "The background color encoded as a 32-bit hexadecimal integer.\n" +
"(AARRGGBB format: AA=alpha (transparency), RR=red, GG=green, BB=blue)";
this.bkgColor_Edit.onEditCompleted = function()
data.bkgColor = parseInt( this.text, 16 );
this.text = format( '%X', data.bkgColor );
// Heads
this.textColor_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.textColor_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.textColor_Sizer.add( this.textColor_Label );
this.textColor_Sizer.spacing = 160;
this.textColor_Sizer.add(this.bkgColor_Label );
// Selectors and Values of both heads. Line 1
this.txtSelect1_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.txtSelect1_Sizer.spacing = 1;
this.txtSelect1_Sizer.add( this.txtRch_Label );
this.txtSelect1_Sizer.add( this.txtRch_SpinBox );
this.txtSelect1_Sizer.add( this.bkgRch_Label );
this.txtSelect1_Sizer.add( this.bkgRch_SpinBox );
// Selectors and Values of both heads. Line 2
this.txtSelect2_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.txtSelect2_Sizer.spacing = 1;
this.txtSelect2_Sizer.add( this.txtGch_Label );
this.txtSelect2_Sizer.add( this.txtGch_SpinBox );
this.txtSelect2_Sizer.add( this.bkgGch_Label );
this.txtSelect2_Sizer.add( this.bkgGch_SpinBox );
// Selectors and Values of both heads. Line 3
this.txtSelect3_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.txtSelect3_Sizer.spacing = 1;
this.txtSelect3_Sizer.add( this.txtBch_Label );
this.txtSelect3_Sizer.add( this.txtBch_SpinBox );
this.txtSelect3_Sizer.add( this.bkgBch_Label );
this.txtSelect3_Sizer.add( this.bkgBch_SpinBox );
// Selectors and Values of both heads. Line 4
this.txtSelect4_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.txtSelect4_Sizer.spacing = 1;
this.txtSelect4_Sizer.add( this.txtTPch_Label );
this.txtSelect4_Sizer.add( this.txtTPch_SpinBox );
this.txtSelect4_Sizer.add( this.bkgTPch_Label );
this.txtSelect4_Sizer.add( this.bkgTPch_SpinBox );
this.font_Sizer = new VerticalSizer;
this.font_Sizer.margin = 4;
this.font_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.font_Sizer.add( this.fontFace_Sizer );
this.font_Sizer.add( this.fontStyle_Sizer );
this.font_Sizer.add( this.textColor_Sizer );
this.font_Sizer.add( this.txtSelect1_Sizer );
this.font_Sizer.add( this.txtSelect2_Sizer );
this.font_Sizer.add( this.txtSelect3_Sizer );
this.font_Sizer.add( this.txtSelect4_Sizer );
this.font_GroupBox = new GroupBox( this );
this.font_GroupBox.title = "Font";
this.font_GroupBox.sizer = this.font_Sizer;
this.margin_Label = new Label( this );
this.margin_Label.text = "Margin (px):";
this.margin_Label.textAlignment = TextAlign_Right|TextAlign_VertCenter;
this.margin_Label.minWidth = labelWidth1;
this.margin_SpinBox = new SpinBox( this );
this.margin_SpinBox.minValue = 0;
this.margin_SpinBox.maxValue = 250;
this.margin_SpinBox.value = data.margin;
this.margin_SpinBox.toolTip = "The margin in pixels between the drawing rectangle and the borders of the image.";
this.margin_SpinBox.onValueUpdated = function( value )
data.margin = value;
this.softEdges_CheckBox = new CheckBox( this );
this.softEdges_CheckBox.text = "Soft edges";
this.softEdges_CheckBox.checked = data.softEdges;
this.softEdges_CheckBox.toolTip = "If checked, the text will be drawn with extra soft edges";
this.softEdges_CheckBox.onCheck = function( checked )
data.softEdges = checked;
this.renderOptions_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.renderOptions_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.renderOptions_Sizer.add( this.margin_Label );
this.renderOptions_Sizer.add( this.margin_SpinBox );
this.renderOptions_Sizer.addSpacing( 12 );
this.renderOptions_Sizer.add( this.softEdges_CheckBox );
this.ok_Button = new PushButton( this );
this.ok_Button.text = " OK ";
this.ok_Button.onClick = function()
this.cancel_Button = new PushButton( this );
this.cancel_Button.text = " Cancel ";
this.cancel_Button.onClick = function()
this.buttons_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.buttons_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.buttons_Sizer.add( this.ok_Button );
this.buttons_Sizer.add( this.cancel_Button );
this.sizer = new VerticalSizer;
this.sizer.margin = 6;
this.sizer.spacing = 6;
this.sizer.add( this.helpLabel );
this.sizer.addSpacing( 4 );
this.sizer.add( this.targetImage_Sizer );
this.sizer.add( this.text_Sizer );
this.sizer.add( this.font_GroupBox );
this.sizer.add( this.renderOptions_Sizer );
this.sizer.add( this.buttons_Sizer );
this.windowTitle = "DrawSignature Script";
// Our dialog inherits all properties and methods from the core Dialog object.
DrawSignatureDialog.prototype = new Dialog;
* Script entry point.
function main()
#ifndef __DEBUG__
if ( !data.targetView )
var msg = new MessageBox( "There is no active image window!",
"DrawSignature Script", StdIcon_Error, StdButton_Ok );
var dialog = new DrawSignatureDialog();
for ( ;; )
if ( !dialog.execute() )
// A view must be selected.
if ( data.targetView.isNull )
var msg = new MessageBox( "You must select a view to apply this script.",
"DrawSignature Script", StdIcon_Error, StdButton_Ok );
// Tell the core application that we are going to change this view.
// Without doing this, we'd have just read-only access to the view's image.
// Perform our drawing routine.
DrawSignature( data );
// Done with view.
// Quit after successful execution.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EOF pjsr/TextoPersonalizado-V2.js - Released 2008/01/06 10:16:05 UTC
Espero que sea de utilidad.