Hi Nikolay,
Yes, this is a common problem with ffmpeg. If you Google for "ffmpeg non-interactive" you'll see that you aren't alone.
The only solution is:
- Pass the -y option so all answers are 'yes' by default.
- Redirect the standard input from /dev/null:
p.RedirectStandardInput( "/dev/null" );
This should allow you to execute ffmpeg in a completely non-interactive way.
On a side note, why are you using gnome-terminal? You don't need it at all, and creating dependencies on these external utility programs is in general a very bad idea for a PixInsight module (for example, there is no guarantee that gnome-terminal be available on a specific X11 environment).
You should execute ffmpeg directly. If you want to show the standard output of the ffmpeg program in real time, this is quite easy to do with PixInsight's console. You can also open an auxiliary window with a TextBox control. To gather output from an external process, use the ExternalProcess::OnStandardOutputDataAvailable() and ExternalProcess::OnStandardErrorDataAvailable() event handlers, along with the ExternalProcess::StandardOutput() and ExternalProcess::StandardError() member functions.