Author Topic: Aligning and integrating lunar or planetary images with no stars in background  (Read 6302 times)

Offline cdesselles

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I'm a bit lost.  :-[

 I've tried just about everything I could think of to register and integrate 12 frames of the Moon with no luck at all.  There are no stars in the background so I tried both HDR composition and Gradient Merge Mosaic processes (grasping at straws here). 

So my question is:

How do you gentlemen perform this type of integration?
Celestron CPC1100 - Canon 550D (T2i) and of course, Pixinsight!

Offline pfile

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FFTAlignment script or carlos' FFTRegister process in his development modules for registration, then integration with ImageIntegration.

however, PI might not be the best thing for this - registax or autostakkert! are better programs for planetary stacking.


Offline Raymond

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Have a look at the following post:

it could be the solution to your problem. Unfortunaltely the procedure explained doesn't work very well with my solar images (probably not enough structures in the image).

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