Author Topic: Quick tip - more instances on OS X  (Read 5665 times)

Offline edd

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Quick tip - more instances on OS X
« on: 2013 March 06 05:07:42 »
I don't think this is as common knowledge as it should be, and it's not obvious how to get a second copy of an application to run on a Mac but it's particularly nice to be able to do so in PixInsight. So... open a terminal and
open -na PixInsight
There you go :)

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Quick tip - more instances on OS X
« Reply #1 on: 2013 March 13 01:50:08 »
Hi. You can also do this from PixInsight. On UNIX and Linux versions of PI, enter this command from the command line (at the bottom of the Process Console window):


The two leading bangs (!!) run an external program, the PixInsight executable in this case, as an independent process. This is known as a daemon on Linux/UNIX. If you use a single bang, the newly created process runs as a child of the current PI process, which blocks it.

On Windows, this is a bit more complicated (Windows doesn't love command lines):

!!cmd.exe /C PixInsight.exe
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team