Author Topic: Using DSS data to create DBE map on nebula  (Read 2560 times)

Offline vpcirc

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Using DSS data to create DBE map on nebula
« on: 2013 October 22 08:18:59 »
Rogelio was demonstrating using DSS data to help select proper points in DBE at AIC. I had a thought. I have the extended database in theSkyX and can create a DSS for a FOV and image link. would this work for creating a new instance of DBE? I've attached an example of what theSkyX produced

Offline pfile

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Re: Using DSS data to create DBE map on nebula
« Reply #1 on: 2013 October 22 08:35:28 »
it could. i have done something like this before: go find an apod-class image of what you are working on, load it into PI and register it to your image. then place the DBE samples on the apod image, and save the process icon for DBE. then activate your image  and double-click the process icon, and start working on the threshold parameters.

do you think you can register your theskyX image to what you are working on? maybe it does not have enough stars or stars that look like stars to PI? worth a try.

i suppose if you can tune what's coming out of theskyX image that is close enough to your actual image, registration may not be necessary.
