Hi guest :)
The best solution for your problem would be to use some stretching function, that lets you see the image with different contrast and brightness, while the pixel values remain the same. Unfortunably, this function has not been implemented in the LE release, althought it will be included in the next standard edition, wich will be avalaible soon as a beta public release.
Anyway, there are some tricks that you may try, taking advance of the flexibility and power that PI LE currently gives you.
First, duplicate your image (or save it, or make a preview of the whole image and then a new image from it). Now apply the histogram and curves adjustments you want. This will be the image you have to use to set the sample boxes of the DBE instance. So, launch DBE on this image, and set all the boxes as you want. When you are ready, instead of generating a new background model, create a process icon (drag the "<" symbol and drop it in PI's workspace). Now abort the DBE instance.
At this time, you have to go back to the original image (you may use the revert command, if you worked over the original image). Make it active by left-clicking on it's window. Double-click the DBE process icon to launch the previous DBE instance over this image. Now, you'll see that all the sample boxes defined before are here. Change the values of the tolerance, smoothness, etc., and generate the new model.
If you need to "see" the results with a histogram manipulation, repeat the firsts steps with the result of applying the DBE model (use PixelMath and tell it to create a new image instead of replacing the current values).
This is a bit time consuming, but will lead you to the most accurate results. Just remember this advice: use process icons as much as you can!