Author Topic: Documentation inconsistency re: integration algorithms  (Read 3410 times)

Offline blave549

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Documentation inconsistency re: integration algorithms
« on: 2013 September 26 09:37:27 »
This regards Averaged Sigma Clipping. In the in-app documentation, it says

"As we have implemented it, this algorithm works well for image sets of 10 or more images. The original implementation in IRAF works for smaller data sets because the proportionality between photons and pixel values, or the estimated sensor gain (the s variable in the algorithm above) is calculated for each row of pixels. In our implementation the sensor gain is estimated separately for each pixel stack, in order to avoid visible differences between adjacent rows in the output image."

But in the tooltip help for the Rejection Algorithm selector box in ImageIntegration, it says that it's a good algorithm for small sets of 3 to 10 images.

Based on reading both, I'm assuming that  the in-app doc is more correct than the tooltip, but wanted to confirm that and also point out the inconsistency... Right now I'm dealing with 5-image sets and obviously want to pick the correct algorithm. Until I hear differently I'll be using Percentile Clipping for sets <8 images, and Winsorized for 8 or more.


Dave B.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Documentation inconsistency re: integration algorithms
« Reply #1 on: 2013 September 26 11:15:03 »
Bug confirmed. The documentation is correct: with our implementation, averaged sigma clipping doesn't make sense for less of 10 images or so (the same as sigma clipping).

The next version of ImageIntegration will have the correct tool tip information. Thank you for detecting and pointing this out.

By the way, I have corrected and rewritten most of ImageIntegration's documentation. The updated document will be released very soon.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline papaf

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Re: Documentation inconsistency re: integration algorithms
« Reply #2 on: 2013 September 26 23:39:25 »
Interesting find! Thanks Dave!
What's the suggested algorithm for less than 10 images then?

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Documentation inconsistency re: integration algorithms
« Reply #3 on: 2013 September 27 01:51:29 »
What's the suggested algorithm for less than 10 images then?

For 6 or less images, percentile clipping. For 10 or more images, sigma clipping or Winsorized sigma clipping. For in between, you are in a gray zone :)
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team