Hi guys
I`m just trialling PI and thought I`d try the photometry tool with some Nova Del images. I load one of the fits images, click on `Image analysis` then `Aperture photometry` make sure the active image is selected and then make sure the `plate-solve the unsolved image` and `save the solution` is ticked and then click on `configure solver` and then .......nothing??. A click on `ok` then just gives the error message
Reading 1 image(s):
F:/020913/Nova Del/noSA/nosal005.fit
Reading FITS: 16-bit integers, 1 channel(s), 1391x1039 pixels: done
run --execute-mode=auto "C:/PixInsight/src/scripts/AdP/AperturePhotometry.js"
Processing script file: C:/PixInsight/src/scripts/AdP/AperturePhotometry.js
*** Error [222]: C:/PixInsight/src/scripts/AdP/WCSmetadata.jsh, line 287: TypeError: DMSangle.FromString(...) is null
Any ideas what I could be doing wrong please?. Someone suggested changing the catalogue to Harvard but I tried all available catalogues, same error message?.