Author Topic: Workflow example  (Read 3082 times)

Offline Mark de Regt

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Workflow example
« on: 2013 July 10 09:39:16 »

I have been using another processing package, which I liked very much (with one glaring exception).  It was "one stop shopping," in the sense that the workflow was intuitive and continuous, starting with raw files and ending up with combined, aligned images ready for color combine and luminance layering (and even could do that if I chose).

The problem is that it won't reliably align/register my images (severely undersampled--3.5 arcseconds per pixel).

I have a trial version of this software, but it's not clear to me what a decent, efficient workflow is (and when I use Pixinsight only for registration, the resulting files are not fully compatible with the other package).

Is there an instructional video showing how to go from start to finish (assuming I already have master darks and flats)?



Offline dgbarar

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Re: Workflow example
« Reply #1 on: 2013 July 10 10:36:07 »
Hi Mark,

This is what I used to get started learning Pixinsight:

I had similar problems associated with interchangeability of files generated between different programs, e.g. files calibrated in CCDSoft would not display properly in Pixinsight.  I subsequently learned that it has to do with different file conventions used by different programs.  In the end, I decided to just use Pixinsight for calibration, registration, and processing.  If I want to do additional work on the image in Photoshop, I convert the file in a 16 bit tif.

There is considerable learning curve with Pixinsight.  But it is worth it.  I have learned more about image processing by reading the tutorials and the experiance of others on this forum in the last 8 months since I began using Pixinsight than I ever learned in the previous 10 years using other image processing packages.  And my results are far better.  The Pixinsight team has done a tremendous service to all of those who wish to learn about real image processing.

Hope this helps.

« Last Edit: 2013 July 10 11:42:36 by dgbarar »
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Offline sreilly

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Re: Workflow example
« Reply #2 on: 2013 July 10 11:20:14 »

I'm not aware of any one video showing an entire processing of any one image but there are plenty of videos showing the individual processes used. As for a simple step process I put together what I was doing that didn't include any of the more advanced features here As Bob Franke pointed out in this SBIG forum posting my use of DBE should be changed a bit. Bob suggested "Rogelio Bernal Andreo has a great tutorial on this subject."

I also posted this on my website that explains the steps I took processing this image and it has some screen shots to help show how things were done. Aside from that, between Harry's videos and the PI videos, most of the processes are covered.

Hope this helps.
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