Author Topic: Module for LRGBHa Combine?  (Read 3796 times)

Offline DonW

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Module for LRGBHa Combine?
« on: 2010 April 11 14:59:30 »
Is there a module or script for the process described by Vicent Peris in the tutorial "A New Approach to the Combination of Braodband and Narrowband Data"?  I'm new to Pixinsight, and I can't find (or recognize) the module.  If there is such a module, I would appreciate learning where it is and how to get it and use it.

Don Westergren

Offline Jack Harvey

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Re: Module for LRGBHa Combine?
« Reply #1 on: 2010 April 11 15:21:57 »
Howdy Don,  They are working on a module and this thread will get you up to date.
Jack Harvey, PTeam Member
Team Leader, SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team, CTIO

Offline DonW

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Re: Module for LRGBHa Combine?
« Reply #2 on: 2010 April 11 19:49:40 »
Thanks for the update Jack. 

You confirm that the process described by Vicent never got developed into a module.  That's too bad, after such a long time since he worked with you developing the concept.  I read through the thread about Narrowband Combination Script and I'm not sure that the script being developed is what Vicent described.  I think the task of combining true multiple narrowband data is a bit different than combining Red with Ha (which is actually combining narrow with broadband data).  I think I had better jump into the other thread and express my views.  I think that automating the methods may require two separate sets of processes.


Offline Jack Harvey

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Re: Module for LRGBHa Combine?
« Reply #3 on: 2010 April 12 12:59:23 »
Certainly not Vicents technique and it is not a module but a series of steps that have worked for me to get HaR to combine with RGB is here:
Jack Harvey, PTeam Member
Team Leader, SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team, CTIO

Offline gspiegelman

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Re: Module for LRGBHa Combine?
« Reply #4 on: 2013 June 09 10:53:18 »
I found a script for Ha LRGB combination somewhere out on this forum, but I can't get it to work. Whenever I try to use it, I have an LRGB (or an RGB) image selected, use the Script Ha LRGB COmbination, and I am supposed to see a dialog to make the selections for LRGB and Ha views, but the progress window just pops up, as if I tolf the dialog to run (I did ot et the dialog), and I get an error message about not enough chabbels... Anyone out thee know how to fix the script?

Offline jerryyyyy

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Re: Module for LRGBHa Combine?
« Reply #5 on: 2013 June 10 06:43:06 »
Hi, I brought this up recently:

was given a lot of advice.

The script I use does not seem to show up in the menus but if you execute or open a scipt PI goes to the right folder and it is called"HaRGBCombinationharry.js".
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