These lines tell you where the problem is:
Calibrating target frame 1 of 10
Loading target frame:
C:/Users/Dave/Documents/astro 2013/2013-02-10 m31/
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 4290x2856 pixels: done
Rescaling sample values to [0.00000000e+000,1.00000000e+000]: done
Since the data have been rescaled from an unknown input range, they have lost their physical meaning and we can't treat them as raw data anymore.
In general, floating point images generated by other applications (what we call
alien images) cannot be calibrated in PixInsight. This has been discussed many times on this forum. The main problem is: The FITS standard does not provide a way to know the range of numeric values to which floating point data are referred. In other words, FITS does not provide a way to know which values correspond to the black and white points in the image. Without knowing these points, we simply cannot interpret the data.
Each application uses its own floating point range. Actually, this is not a problem for PixInsight, since our tools let you specify a floating point input range. The problem is that, in general, we don't know the range of alien floating point images because the applications don't publish them (please correct me if I'm wrong). Some applications also seem to use different ranges for each image, in apparently arbitrary ways. PixInsight
always writes floating point images in the normalized [0,1] range, where 0=black and 1=white.
Storing raw CCD or CMOS data in a floating point format is an error, both technically and conceptually. Digital cameras generate 16-bit unsigned integer data, so this is the
only valid format that can be used to store raw data during acquisition. Your data won't be better or 'more precise' if you store them as 32-bit floating point numbers; they will just occupy twice the required space on disk and will generate incompatibility problems, that's all.
So if you write your raw data as FITS files in 16-bit unsigned integer format, there should be no problems to preprocess them in PixInsight. On a side note, I see that you don't use bias frames. Without bias frames you cannot calibrate the data correctly (i.e., dark scaling won't work at all, and flat fielding will be inaccurate).
I hope this helps.