Author Topic: [1.8 RC3] Wrong size of dialog windows resized to full screen on 7/64  (Read 3537 times)

Offline bitli

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If a dialog prefered size is too large for the screen, it is reduced (which is nice), but not quite enough.
On Windows 7 / 64 bits with the window task always visible, it is too wide by two borders (the right side is slightly truncated), and too high by the task bar and probably two borders.

[EDIT: It seems to be OK on Linux]

This is very annoying on small screens (I make the default size to be comfortable on 'normal' screens, and resizable on a portable, but the border of the dialog should be visible when the dialog covers the full screen).  The following test demonstrate the issue:

Code: [Select]
"use strict";

function MainDialog()
   this.__base__ = Dialog;

MainDialog.prototype = new Dialog;

function main()
   var dialog = new MainDialog("TEST");
   dialog.width =10000;
   dialog.height =10000;


We use portable on training sessions, for example.

-- bitli

« Last Edit: 2013 February 03 13:15:37 by bitli »

Offline f11

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Is there any way you can measure the width and height of the oversized dialog box? I ask because I've already reported a main window re-sizing issue with RC3 on Win7 64-bit, but nobody else seemed to experience the problem - so I assumed it was related to my particular Win7 setup somehow.  I found width was larger than it should be by 16 pixels and height by 38 pixels.

I'd sure be interested if these are your findings as well... it would suggest we're seeing a common bug affecting Win7 64-bit RC3 window resizing (which is probably a Qt cross-platform issue specific to Win7, if what I've read recently is any indication).

FWIW, you can see my post at


Offline bitli

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Thanks, The modified test displays the size. It is 1924x1182 if not resized, and 1901 x 1097 if it is manually resized to cover the visible area (full screen less taskbar).

The bug happens also on Linux. I use FC 17 with a reduced size window, so I can test what happens with smaller screens.  It is not pretty in general, most scripts behave very badly if the screen is not (very) large.  Here are the results:

Without resizing (the size of the pseudo screen is 1143 x 775):
   Size: 1141 x 729

I did not see it the last time, but in fact the window is also too high on FC 17 (but the correct width). If I re-size it manually, I get:
Size: 1140 x 695

Give or take 1 pixel.

More fun, the resizing work "in reverse".  I select Resize from the title bar of the window, I have to move the mouse in the opposite direction of what is indicated by the "right angle" cursor.  Pretty strange, but maybe an FC bug.

-- bitli

Code: [Select]
"use strict";

function MainDialog()
   this.__base__ = Dialog;

   this.onReturn = function() {
      // If closed withour resizing:
      //     Size: 1924 x 1182 (screen is 1920 x 1200)
      // If resized to cover the visible area:
      //     Size: 1901 x 1097
      Console.writeln("Size: " + this.width + " x " + this.height);

MainDialog.prototype = new Dialog;

function main()
   var dialog = new MainDialog("TEST");
   dialog.width =10000;
   dialog.height =10000;
