Author Topic: [1.8] Wavelet process unusable?  (Read 3872 times)

Offline rsewards

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[1.8] Wavelet process unusable?
« on: 2013 January 26 13:07:00 »
I've been trying RC2 and now RC3.  The A Trous wavelet process has become unusable.  In RC2 opening the real-time preview on a small preview image took minutes to complete, and now in RC3 applying the default process settings + noise reduction defaults in the smallest level crashes PI.

Has anyone else seen this?
Richard Sewards
Richard Sewards

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Re: [1.8] Wavelet process unusable?
« Reply #1 on: 2013 January 26 13:52:07 »

Tried my windows 7 version 64 bit , works for me  8)

Harry Page

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Re: [1.8] Wavelet process unusable?
« Reply #2 on: 2013 January 26 15:00:55 »
That's odd.  I'm also using win7/64 on a dual core/4Gig notebook.  Whenever I used the real-time preview it spent a long time creating some form of wavelet cache, which I never saw in earlier versions.

I've had to back out to 1.7 to get anything done.
Richard Sewards

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Re: [1.8] Wavelet process unusable?
« Reply #3 on: 2013 January 26 15:04:07 »

Yes I saw a cache being created , but it only took a few seconds  :D

and all was fine

Harry Page

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: [1.8] Wavelet process unusable?
« Reply #4 on: 2013 January 27 04:57:28 »
Hi Richard,

We have implemented a new transform cache system in the AtrousWaveletTransform and MultiscaleMedianTransform tools. When these tools are applied to previews or to the Real-Time Preview window, they compute the wavelet or median transform for the whole image, and then store it in a memory cache. While the parameters of the transform are not changed in a way that invalidates the cache, it is reused when the process is applied to a preview or R-T preview of the same image.

The advantage of this cache system is twofold: you always get perfectly accurate previews on regular previews and on the Real Time Preview window (previously these previews were inaccurate, especially on R-T), and once the cache has been generated the process is very fast, allowing true real-time previews. The disadvantage is that this requires more memory to store the wavelet or median transform. This also requires you to be careful not to reset the tool, or change the number of layers unnecessarily, since these actions invalidate the cache.

With just 4 GB of RAM, your machine might require some memory swapping to disk, especially if you work with large images and have many background processes running. This could be the cause of these performance problems.

I have just made two quick tests on Windows:

- On a virtual Windows 7 x64 machine with 4 cores and 8 GB of RAM assigned  (VMware running on a Core i7 990X Linux workstation), for a 5202x3465 RGB image (a Canon EOS 7D image), the cache computes in less than 8 seconds.

- On a physical Windows 7 x64 machine with a Core i5 processor (2 cores + hyperthreading = 4 logical cores) and 8 GB of RAM, for a 6000x4000 RGB image, the cache requires about 12 seconds.

Have you tried the new RC3 version on a more powerful machine? You may consider increasing the RAM on your notebook, especially since you're using a 64-bit operating system. I think 8 GB would be a reasonable upgrade.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

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Re: [1.8] Wavelet process unusable?
« Reply #5 on: 2013 January 27 08:22:52 »
Thanks for the explanation, Juan.

The image was ~5800x8600 pixels, RGB from a film scan, would this be considered "large"?

I'll look into getting more RAM and I'll try RC3 again, soon.
Richard Sewards

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Re: [1.8] Wavelet process unusable?
« Reply #6 on: 2013 February 02 13:20:08 »
Hi Juan,
Now I have 8Gig RAM.  The CPU is a dual core P7450 running at 2.1GHz.   On an RBG image 3906x2602 (DSS stack from my DSLR) it takes 15s to generate the cache, and the RAM usage in the Task Manager bumps over 3G.

However, on a 336x340 preview the RT preview (default "smooth" quality) takes 30 seconds to generate the image when I enable NR on the first layer.   If I close the RT preview, then select NR on the first 3 layers, and then select the RT preview it takes 43 seconds to generate the preview.   This  a lot longer than 1.7 on the same machine with 4Gig RAM.

Richard Sewards