Author Topic: Presentation and colomns defect question  (Read 2577 times)

Offline outters

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Presentation and colomns defect question
« on: 2013 January 28 06:46:22 »
Hello all,

My name is Nicolas Outters, french astrophotograph and president of AIP association. I am very pleased to be a new member of Pixinsight aficionado and first with the preprocess. My english is bad but I would like to know something with colomns defect. I have a CCD Proline 16803 with  smear effect and I have two colomns with smear effect on the right (the camera is on repare at FLI now, but I am not sure that they can repare this !). When I try to delete the colomns, Pixinsight copy the left and right colomns and does a median of these but with two colomns the result is not correct for me. The only good method should be to copy on the left and on the right of my two colomns !

Is there another method to delete two colomns (I have twice on my frame !)  :(

Thanks a lot.

Nicolas Outters

Offline Philippe B.

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Re: Presentation and colomns defect question
« Reply #1 on: 2013 January 28 07:10:03 »
Hi Nicolas  ;)

I remember an old script (you should find here but 2-3 years back). I have it on my computer, I will give it to you next time.

It was column repair script and I remember to have modified the code to correct 2 adjacent columns. But Laurent is better than me for JavaScript so I will send him the script

I don't know why I speak english with you ! I see you in 4 days for the AIP Pixinsight show   ;D ;D ;D ;D

Bon, je te retrouve ça... ca doit trainer sur un disque dur...

Offline vicent_peris

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Re: Presentation and colomns defect question
« Reply #2 on: 2013 January 28 08:52:12 »
Hi Nicolas, welcome to this forum,

Please could you upload some images? Preferably a master bias, and individual light image and a master light image. I would also know the median value of the master bias and the values in those columns.

Best regards,