Eventually I had to set the environment variables globally so that VS uses them, I also add to add the SDK to the library path, and switch to 64 bit.
Compilation is OK, but linking results on many errors, like (just 3 out of many)
1>PCL-pxi.lib(FileInfo.obj) : error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '0' doesn't match value '2' in SandboxInstance.obj
1> Creating library x64\Debug\Sandbox.lib and object x64\Debug\Sandbox.exp
1>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
1>SandboxProcess.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_CompareStringW referenced in function "public: static int __cdecl pcl::CharTraits::Compare(unsigned short const *,unsigned __int64,unsigned short const *,unsigned __int64,bool,bool)" (?Compare@CharTraits@pcl@@SAHPEBG_K01_N2@Z)
After asking Google, I tried to clean the whole project and rebuild it, making sure that I was always in 64 bits, but this did not change anything. Did anybody succeed in building the sandbox 2.0 with VS 2010? Or have any clue?
-- bitli