so yesterday i decided to try to merge in the M42/NGC1977 area from a 200mm widefield image into a 50mm widefield image of Orion. the M42 in the 50mm widefield was pretty blown out and colorless.
i cropped out just the M42 area and registered it to the 50mm image. i then struggled with pixelmath for a while, trying to get the blend right. but then it hit me - why not try GradientsMergeMosaic?
so i did that, and the result looks great (though a bit funny due to the higher resolution of m42 + the original had undergone MT and so the star profiles don't match). still, zoomed out it looks much better than the original.
however, the resultant image is a bit desaturated - the bright stars from the original image have lost their color. perhaps this is a result of the black background surrounding the crop of M42.
attached is a closeup of the blend. looks great aside from the FHWM/resolution mismatch. it make sense to fill the cropped image with, say, the median value from the 50mm image instead? or is this just unavoidable due to the algorithm involved?