Author Topic: Trouble with CloneStamp instance icons  (Read 3502 times)

Offline Howard

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Trouble with CloneStamp instance icons
« on: 2012 April 09 00:39:58 »

I've been having some trouble lately with CloneStamp instance icons.

I've always saved CloneStamp actions as instance icons to re-use later, in case I want to go back and make some changes to the workflow before that step.

Lately however I've been having several problems. When I drag and drop a CloneStamp icon onto the image window, there is no change to the image, even though the ProcessConsole records "Performing clone stamp actions: 100%".  Also, if I right-click on the CloneStamp icon and select "Launch CloneStamp Instance", the CloneStamp dialog appears with crazy parameters: a radius of 255, and  sometimes also with a target point that is far outside the boundaries of the image. The icon also takes a very long time to launch (the icon graphic that pops up can also sometimes get "stuck" for a few seconds), and the dialog is very sluggish once it does launch, for example it takes a very long time to close the dialog. I am running Lion on a new MacBook Pro.

Many thanks in advance for any help!

Obsessed with the photographic experience of the cosmos!
Cabin in the Sky Observatory: PlaneWave CDK17, Paramount ME, Apogee U16M, Astrodon filters & MOAG, Starlight Lodestar, in a roll-off roof under the deep, dark skies of rural BC Canada.

Offline Howard

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Re: Trouble with CloneStamp instance icons
« Reply #1 on: 2012 May 01 17:07:13 »
Hi again:

I'm still having trouble launching iconized CloneStamp instances!

It takes an inordinate amount of time following a right-click launch of the icon for the CloneStamp dialog window to actually appear (the Mac beach-ball of death pops up, and my MacBook fan kicks into high gear, suggesting some serious computing going on). When the dialog finally does appear, it has unphysical parameters (like a radius of 255, and target point coordinates off the image), not the parameters of the instance that I saved.

PixInsight generally remains extremely sluggish after that (the beach-ball generally never stops spinning), and I have to Force Quit the program.


Many thanks,
Obsessed with the photographic experience of the cosmos!
Cabin in the Sky Observatory: PlaneWave CDK17, Paramount ME, Apogee U16M, Astrodon filters & MOAG, Starlight Lodestar, in a roll-off roof under the deep, dark skies of rural BC Canada.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Trouble with CloneStamp instance icons
« Reply #2 on: 2012 May 02 03:15:51 »
Hi Howard,

CloneStamp can generate extremely large operation sequences, which may require a long time to run. Could you please upload or send a .xpsm file with one of these problematic CloneStamp icons?
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Howard

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Re: Trouble with CloneStamp instance icons
« Reply #3 on: 2012 December 20 18:00:25 »
Dear Juan:

I must be setting a record for the longest time to leave a thread hanging for want of a simple followup :(. If it makes sense to continue where we left off in May (!), I've attached an .xpsm file with one of the problematic CloneStamp instance icons, as you requested (as if anyone could even remember!).  I continue to have the same problem that I described before, with any CloneStamp instance that I try to reuse.

Many thanks,
Obsessed with the photographic experience of the cosmos!
Cabin in the Sky Observatory: PlaneWave CDK17, Paramount ME, Apogee U16M, Astrodon filters & MOAG, Starlight Lodestar, in a roll-off roof under the deep, dark skies of rural BC Canada.