I've been having some trouble lately with CloneStamp instance icons.
I've always saved CloneStamp actions as instance icons to re-use later, in case I want to go back and make some changes to the workflow before that step.
Lately however I've been having several problems. When I drag and drop a CloneStamp icon onto the image window, there is no change to the image, even though the ProcessConsole records "Performing clone stamp actions: 100%". Also, if I right-click on the CloneStamp icon and select "Launch CloneStamp Instance", the CloneStamp dialog appears with crazy parameters: a radius of 255, and sometimes also with a target point that is far outside the boundaries of the image. The icon also takes a very long time to launch (the icon graphic that pops up can also sometimes get "stuck" for a few seconds), and the dialog is very sluggish once it does launch, for example it takes a very long time to close the dialog. I am running Lion on a new MacBook Pro.
Many thanks in advance for any help!