Author Topic: October 2012 Contest Images  (Read 16435 times)

Offline Javio

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October 2012 Contest Images
« on: 2012 October 04 00:45:44 »
The October edition of the 2012 PixInsight Monthly Astrophotography Contest is open. Check the contest rules and send your images until October 20th. Please use this post ONLY to submit your images.

Good luck!
Javier Sanchis Muñoz
PixInsight Development Team

Offline vi100

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Re: October 2012 Contest Images
« Reply #1 on: 2012 October 04 05:25:18 »
Iris Nebula and Ghosts

Clic on image to enlarge:

Optic: TSAPO65Q at f/6.5
Mount: NEQ6-Pro
Filter: Baader LRGB
Camera: QHY9 Mono
Exposures: Lum 17x1200" bin1x1, RGB 6x600" bin2x2
Location: Ayna, Albacete (Spain)
Date: 16-08-2012

Offline wvandenberghe

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Re: October 2012 Contest Images
« Reply #2 on: 2012 October 06 11:12:45 »
Stephan's Quintet

Telescope : RCOS truss RC 14" f/9
Mount : Paramount ME
Filters : Baader LRGB
Exposures : 32x10min Lum 90x10min Red Green Blue  binned 1x1
Location : Hertsberge - Belgium
Date : During new moon period September 7-16  2012
Processing :
-Batchpreprocessing script on bias, dark, flat, lum, R,G,B images acquired with CCDSoft5.
-Luminance DBE, 50 deconvolution with psf , MMT noise reduction, canon banding script, Histogram transf.
-RGB DBE, SNCR, Background Neutralization, Color correction, canon banding script, Histogram transf.
-LRGB combine, HDRWavelets, ACDNR noise reduction on color only, increase color saturation (masked) with curves.

Link to full field:

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: October 2012 Contest Images
« Reply #3 on: 2012 October 08 14:25:26 »
Hi, for this month: H  e  l  i  x       N  e  b  u  l  a  e                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Object: NGC 7293

Camera: Canon 450 Digital Rebel XSi - Filter Type I

Telescope: William Optics 132 FLT - Focal Leng 925 mm -  f/7

Number of images: 29 x 10 minutes. ISO 800

Total time: 4 hours y 50 minutes

Program: PixInsight

Comments: Guided with Orion 100 mm and SSAG from Trenel, La Pampa - Argentina.

Calibrated with BatchPreprocessingScript using Bias, Darks and Flats and Integrated with Image integration:

As it is the result of two diferents days and the objecto each day was in diferent position, I had to crop what was not usefull

Now DBE to remove the gradient:

With AberrationSpotter create an image that represent the background to be used as reference image in BackgroundNeutralization

Now color calibration using as white reference the targetimage:

Generate the PSF to be used in Deconvolution:

With ClassicMask Script Generate a mask over the image and apply Range selection to the ClassicMask to generate a RangeMask only with stars. ( I did this because ClasiscMask let some background remaining).

Separate RGB channels and apply Deconvolution independiently to each channel protecting stars with the RangeMask
To Red channel:

To Green channel:

To Blue Channel and after that Channel combination

Comparative before and after Deconvolution

Before stretching I will correct dark pixels in the background applying MorphologialTransformation. To protect stars and nebulae generate a RangeMask (in black only the pixels that will be afected)

The following gif lost quality but can be seen the idea:

Transfer STF to HT's control bar and Apply

ColorSaturation without protection. It is going to increase noise in chrominance considerably.

ACDNR to chrominance

Generate a RangeMask to protect stars and nebulae and apply k-sigma (ATWT) to Noise reduction

Invert the mask to protect background and apply two consectives LHE variating considerably the raidus

After LHE usualy is needed to saturate again as the region lost colour

To eliminate the green in stars, generate a StarMask and apply SCNR protecting background and nebulae

With the same StarMask apply color saturation to stars

Once again ACDNR to reduce noice in Chorminance


MorphologicalSelection to reduce stars protecting background with the previous StarMask

Generate a Rangemask to protect background and main nebulae to increase the brighness in the faintest nebulosity applying ExponentialTransformation. See the diferency in the next two screenshot

With the same RangeMask apply CT to the same area

To decrease saturation and Luminance in the background, generate a new RangeMask to protect nebulae and stars and apply CT

As steal there is too noise a last noise reduction routine protecting stars with StarMask and applying a convolution to Smooth.

Edit: It is too noise. I have extracted Luminance, inverted it and apply HT and ATWT to make a mask to protect nebulae and decrease a little Luminance in the background



Final Image:

Saludos, Alejandro.
« Last Edit: 2012 October 08 18:02:09 by Alejandro Tombolini »

Offline Tom OD

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Re: October 2012 Contest Images
« Reply #4 on: 2012 October 12 06:10:48 »
I have learnt so much already from reading your post. Thanks for the detailed processing steps. Greatpic too.

Offline Yuriy Toropin

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Re: October 2012 Contest Images
« Reply #5 on: 2012 October 12 09:35:47 »
Object: NGC 7293
Alejandro, thanks a lot for sharing your processing sequence!
It's very different from what and how I usually do - with this it's twice that interesting!!!
One thing, if you will - "Transfer STF to HT's control bar and Apply"...
Have you tried "MaskedStretch" script for histogram transformation instead? Typically, it preserves stars shape better.

Offline Graham

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Re: October 2012 Contest Images
« Reply #6 on: 2012 October 15 00:57:15 »

I'll throw one in for the hell of it!

 :P ;) :)

M20 Trifid Nebula

Telescope: Takahashi TSA 120

Guide Scope: Orion 80 ST

Camera: QHY9 Mono @ -20c

Guide Camera: Meade DSI Pro II

Mount: EQ6 Pro

Mount Control: EQASCOM

Focusing: RoboFocus

Bahtinov Mask: Yes

Capture Software: MaxIm DL 5

Calibration and Stacking Software: PixInsight

Processing Software: PixInsight Photoshop CS3

L=12X600sec, R=8x480sec, G=7x480sec, B=7x480sec

Binning: 1x

Total Image Time: 4.93 Hrs

Processing Used in PixInsight

Calibrate, align, integrate, colour combine, background neutralization, DBE, colour calibration, histogram transform, morph transform, ACDNR, SCNR and I think I have forgotten one or two! Oh yes, HDR Multiscale, Curves Transform.

Processing in PS CS3 cause I don't know how to do it in PixIsight yet

Selective sharpening and colour using layers.

Imaging location: Adelaide, South Australia

Captured Sept 2012

Larger image available here by clicking original a the bottom of the page.



Offline Ignacio

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Re: October 2012 Contest Images
« Reply #7 on: 2012 October 18 09:23:09 »
Barlowed Sculptor Galaxy

Optical train: AP130 EDF GT + AP Barcon 2x barlow operating at f/15
Mount: Losmandy G11
Guiding: B&L 80/800 SCT guidescope + Lifecam Cinema + PHD
Camera: Canon 1000D (modded and peltier cooled)
Frames: 32 lights, 5 min. ea. @iso1600, calibrated with 200 bias, 20 darks, and 30 flats
Processing: data reduction and post processing in Pixinsight 1.7, minor final adjustments in Photoshop and Canon Digital Photo Professional
Date: 2012-10-12
Place: San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seeing & transparency: good/very good (rural skies)

Best regards,

Offline Javio

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Re: October 2012 Contest Images
« Reply #8 on: 2012 October 22 01:53:18 »
Topic reopened only for Philippe B. due to an accidental delete.
Javier Sanchis Muñoz
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Philippe B.

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Re: October 2012 Contest Images
« Reply #9 on: 2012 October 22 02:05:34 »
Here is the modified M8+M20 SII/Ha/OIII image

10x20min for each narrowband filter

Mix layer L = average (Ha + OIII + SII)
Mix layer RGB by
R=.5xHa + 0.5xSII
G=.1xSII + .2xHa + .7xOIII
B=.1xHa + .9xOIII

FULL by clicking on it

