This is my second post related to processing NB images with PixInsight because I really didn't get the answer I wanted in other post. First post: only tool I use to remove green color due to Ha dominating in the green channel is "SCNR". The problem with SCNR is that it removes ALL of green but it gave me decent results but is this the correct procedure? It sounds too simple.
I have seen many tutorials using Photoshop but I don't have Photoshop. This is a sample tutorial using Photoshop: uses Photoshop's Selective Color tool to create Hubble Palette image. PixInsight does not seem to have this tool or similar.
What PixInsight tools can I use besides SCNR that can create a nice Hubble Palette and what are the procedures? I have Googled for Hubble Palette processing with PixInsight and found one but it uses "SCNR". I have seen people modifying the linear image by stretching before combining but can you run Background Neutralization and Color Calibration on non-linear images?
I know my question is too generic and there may be different methods depending on the objects.
If you would like to have some fun processing my images, I uploaded a zip file of Bubble Nebula containing the following:
Calibrated and stack of:
21 x 15 minutes of Ha: Good seeing condition
31 x 15 minutes of Oiii: Below average seeing condition
12 x 30 minutes of Sii: Average seeing condition
8 x 10 minutes of Red: Ok seeing condition
8 x 10 minutes of Green: Ok seeing condition
8 x 10 minutes of Blue: Ok seeing condition
The zip file is 115 MBytes. only on "
Click here to start download from sendspace" link at bottom of web page. Do NOT click on any "DOWNLOAD" or "Play Now" buttons.