Author Topic: hdrcombination and blooming don't work  (Read 3494 times)

Offline fildefer

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hdrcombination and blooming don't work
« on: 2012 October 18 06:45:07 »
I hope you could help me.
I've take a series of 600s picture of iris nebula with my sbig st10 and I've got blooming in few stars. So I also took also 10 pictures with 60s exposure to remove the blooming.
Since yesterday i try to remove blooming on each calibrated pictures with different technique, like the hdrcombination or with the maxim dl debloomer plugin, this last work pretty good but it don't replace the value that are bottom the blooming and if I want to work correctly I have to save my image in 16 bits so I loose some detail.
With the HDRCombination, it's work but the picture made with 60s exposure is more noisy that the 600s exposure so when I use HDRCombination I've got noiser value that took place at least at blooming. I have try to remove noise using a blooming mask but the result is not really good.

I'm french so excuse me for my english.
What do you recommend me to do?
Thank in advance

Offline sreilly

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Re: hdrcombination and blooming don't work
« Reply #1 on: 2012 October 18 06:57:43 »

My French isn't any good so you are ahead of me! The best tool I've found for getting rid of the blooms in my ST10 images was made by Ron Wodaski and is called De-Bloomer. There are two flavors, one for MaxIm and the other CCDSoftV5. They are plug-ins and work very well. I found MaxIm's bloom tool very heavy handed. See and download the MaxIm version. It says MaxIm version 4 but also works well in version 5. I wish PI hadn't dropped the plans fro creating a bloom removal tool but it happens. See what you think of Ron's, it's free so you won't loose anything but a little time. The default setting work well right out of the box but you can custom configure the plug-in as well.

OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
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Offline fildefer

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Re: hdrcombination and blooming don't work
« Reply #2 on: 2012 October 18 08:13:18 »
Hello Steve,
thank you for your help.
I know ron plugin, and as I try to explain in my first message, if I want to use it I have to save my picture in 16 bits and when I go back to pixinsight on 32bits I loose some details. The difference between process all in 32 bits or in 16 and 32bits is visible when I integrate image.


Offline sreilly

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Re: hdrcombination and blooming don't work
« Reply #3 on: 2012 October 18 12:03:45 »
The raw data from the camera is 16 bit to start with and after calibrating I always saved as IEEE Float which is 32 bit. I'm not sure where you are seeing any difference.
OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
Pyxis 3" Rotator
Baader LRGBHa Filters
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Offline fildefer

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Re: hdrcombination and blooming don't work
« Reply #4 on: 2012 October 19 04:40:33 »
Hi Steve,
yes you're right, what I mean it is that if before calibration I debloom my picture with ron debloomer on maxim dl and then calibrate and integrate picture in pixinsight, the integrate image is more noisy than if I don't deblomm and just use pixinsight.

As I could see you have had some problem witth blooming If find this post:

I try the method explain in this post by Juan that substitute the value from the picture without bloom to the picture with bloom, but it is not really good. There is to much difference between the data.  It will work well if we could extrapolate the value from the picture without bloom with the value around the blooming on the other picture.

A debloom tool would be a good idea.
Thank again