Author Topic: Undistort module?  (Read 3802 times)

Offline Bob Hertel

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Undistort module?
« on: 2012 June 15 14:04:00 »
Is it possible that a module could/would be written that takes into account optical abberations and correct them digitally? I know that deconvolution tries to look at the PSF of some stars and adjust the image accordingly, but for example, if a field flattener isn't an exact match for the scope and that results in elongated stars in the corners, could that be measured and corrected?
Bob Hertel

Offline JGMoreau

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Re: Undistort module?
« Reply #1 on: 2012 June 17 12:12:41 »
Hello Bob, hope you get a favorable answer to your concern as i do wish
i could do the same with my often distorted stars from a f/2.5 newtonian reflector :'(

The smaller stars are mostly unaffected, so the correction could be applied to what is seen by the star mask
application ?

Jean Guy