Author Topic: How to delete text from the Processing Console  (Read 4892 times)

Offline David Serrano

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How to delete text from the Processing Console
« on: 2007 November 11 07:59:08 »
<es:tocapelotas ;)>

While doing some random clicks here and there, I've discovered that, when a process is doing its job and the percentage is showing in the processing console, you can select text from the console (by doing the usual click-and-drag mouse operation) and, although it doesn't appear as selected, it is replaced by the ongoing percentage text when this text is updated by the process.

- Open an image.
- Apply a long running operation on it, for example a GREYCStoration with 10 iterations.
- Press the left mouse button over the bottom of the console output text.
- Drag it towards the top of the console. Don't release the button.
- Look how the text comes to life and begins to evolve. If there isn't much text in the back-buffer, you can look at the vertical scrollbar to monitor its progress. The scrollbar grows, which is a sign that we're deleting text from the console.
</es:tocapelotas ;)>
 David Serrano