Author Topic: Why is PI upside down and reversed?  (Read 3681 times)

Offline Terry Danks

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Why is PI upside down and reversed?
« on: 2012 May 18 07:32:47 »
 Hi All:

Pi is opening all my images "upside down and mirror-imaged" compared to all my other software.
Following link shows what I mean.

How do I remedy this?

Thanks . . .


Offline pfile

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Re: Why is PI upside down and reversed?
« Reply #1 on: 2012 May 18 08:05:35 »
are the fits images? the 'origin' corner is not defined by the standard... open the format explorer sidebar and double click on the FITS handler and you can change the origin.

Offline Philip de Louraille

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Philip de Louraille

Offline Terry Danks

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Re: Why is PI upside down and reversed?
« Reply #3 on: 2012 May 18 10:25:54 »
Many thanks, pfile and Philip. Mission accomplished.

Offline pfile

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Re: Why is PI upside down and reversed?
« Reply #4 on: 2012 May 18 11:25:23 »
note that there is a FITS header keyword called 'ORIGIN' but it is meant to be an ascii string that describes where the file came from, like the institution that owns the telescope/camera or your name or something like that. that tripped me up for a while.