To all,
I finally got a clear night and captured some images of the Rho Ophiuchi region. I used MaximDL to acquire my images which saves them as CFA. For some odd reason, the script seems to be saving the file as an RGB file without color. For example, the original CFA files sizes are 41,305 KB. When the script saves a master BIAS, it grows to 247,801 KB. Even when saving a 16-bit CFA to 32-bit, the resulting file size should only be 82,604 KB. I've tried the script with "CFA Images" checked and unchecked -- both instances result in the same behavior. Perhaps, I'm using the script in a way it wasn't designed. Basically, I did the following:
Step 1: Selected all my Bias files and 480s Darks --> the script generated master files (master Bias and master 480s Dark)
Step 2: Selected my Master Bias and all my 5s Darks --> the script created master 5s Dark
Step 3: Selected my Master Bias, Master 5s Dark, and selected all my 5s Flats --> the script created master 5s Flat
Step 4: Selected my Master Bias, Master 480s Dark, Master 5s Flat, and all my Light frames --> the script generated both CFA calibrated lights and RGB (debayered)
While using master files, I did select the appropriate checkbox in the script dialog. What's intereresting is the Light CFA calibrated files are the proper size, 82,604 KB.
Does anybody know what's going on here? Does it really matter outside the wasting of a large amount of disk space? I would much prefer the generated masters remain CFA since they are significantly smaller.