Hi Steve,
PixInsight's DSLR_RAW module relies exclusively on
dcraw.c to support raw images from most digital cameras. "Panasonic DMC-GH2" is in the list of dcraw's supported cameras, and the current DSLR_RAW module uses dcraw version 9.12, which as far as I know is the latest version available.
So I don't know why your camera isn't supported. It should. Could you upload one of these raw files somewhere, so I can take a look at it?
Also out of curiosity, when I import a terrestrial RAW it will have a green tinge, I found the DCRAW preferences but is it possible to configure this easily to eliminate the green tinge or is it just trial and error?
Quoted from dcraw's home page:
Why does dcraw output have a green tint and weak color?
Because dcraw doesn't have a color matrix for your camera model, it outputs raw color instead of sRGB. To fix this, I need a photo of a Wolf Faust, Calibr8, CMP, GretagMacbeth, or other calibrated color chart.So perhaps if you write to Dave Coffin following his instructions, he may be able to improve dcraw's support for your camera model.